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Aditivo funcional de silano para película fotovoltaica POE

Nº de modelo: R1030


Coace® R1030 es un copolímero de etileno-octeno funcionalizado con silano con alto contenido en silano y alta transparencia.
Rendimiento Valor Método de ensayo
Densidad 0.87g/㎤ ASTM D792
punto de fusión(DSC)  46℃(115℉) ASTM D3418
MFR(190℃ 2,16kg)  8-15g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenido de silano  Alta Método interno
Descripción de los productos


Coace® R1030 es un copolímero de etileno-octeno funcionalizado con silano con alto contenido en silano y alta transparencia.

When it comes to improving the efficiency of solar photovoltaic modules, R1030 provides a number of beneficial characteristics and advantages that are exclusive to it. The longevity, energy efficiency, and dependability of photovoltaic photovoltaic oxide (PoE) films are all improved as a result of its higher dispersion, moisture resistance, weatherability, and electrical insulating qualities. The utilisation of this additive in the fabrication of modules results in a number of advantages, including an increase in power generation, an extension of the module’s lifespan, and cost reductions.


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Rendimiento Valor Método de ensayo
Densidad 0.87g/㎤ ASTM D792
punto de fusión(DSC)  46℃(115℉) ASTM D3418
MFR(190℃ 2,16kg)  8-15g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenido de silano  Alta Método interno

Nota: Los datos anteriores son valores de ensayo típicos y no deben interpretarse como especificaciones.

Dosis sugerida:Según la aplicación real, teniendo en cuenta el coste, la cantidad adecuada de aumento o disminución.

Embalaje y transporte:20kg bolsa de plástico, de acuerdo con las mercancías no peligrosas, evitar la luz del sol, la lluvia.

  • Increased Resistance to Moisture: The use of this additive results in an increase in the resistance of photovoltaic POE films to moisture. The formation of a protective barrier that prevents moisture from entering the structure of the film is achieved by it. Even in humid situations, this helps to maintain the film’s dimensional stability, mechanical strength, and electrical insulating capabilities. This is because of the composition of the film.
  • Improved Weatherability: The product’s high weather resistance capabilities allow it to successfully preserve photovoltaic photovoltaic oxide (PoE) films from degradation that is caused by ultraviolet light, variations in temperature, and environmental variables. The deterioration, staining, and loss of physical characteristics that might occur as a result of prolonged exposure to harsh weather conditions are reduced considerably as a result of this procedure.
  • Optimal Electrical Insulation :The Silane Functional Additive possesses exceptional electrical insulation capabilities, which guarantees the solar modules’ high level of dependability and long-term performance. It prevents electrical breakdown, leakage currents, and potential hot spots, which ultimately results in an increase in the PV system’s overall safety and efficiency with regard to its operation.




Enhanced Energy Efficiency:The product enhances the performance of photovoltaic photovoltaic oxide (POE) films, which results in an enhanced energy efficiency. This results in a reduction in electrical losses, an increase in power production, and an overall improvement in the performance of the photovoltaic system. This is accomplished by improved electrical insulation and enhanced dispersion.


Enhanced Power Generation: The Silane Functional Additive makes it possible to improve electrical insulation and dispersion inside the photovoltaic POE film, which in turn maximises the amount of power that is generated. Through the enhancement of overall module performance, the reduction of series resistance losses, and the guarantee of appropriate electrical contact, it leads to an increase in the amount of energy that is produced.


PV modules have a longer lifespan as a result of the additive’s ability to prevent degradation of the photovoltaic POE film and to preserve its physical qualities. This is one of the reasons why the additive contributes to the prolonged lifespan of PV modules. As a result, solar power plants will maintain their operations for a longer period of time and will provide a higher return on investment.


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Certificación Coace

Certificación ISO9001:2015
Certificación ISO14001:2015
Registro REACH de la UE

Preinscripción en K-REACH de Corea

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The Silane Functional Additive was developed expressly for the purpose of making solar POE films, which go into solar photovoltaic (PV) modules. It is compatible with a wide range of modules, including monocrystalline, multicrystalline, and thin-film technologies, among others. PV films that are utilised in these modules are significantly improved in terms of both their performance and their longevity by the additive.

Improvements in Module Reliability The Silane Functional Additive offers greater electrical insulation and protection against environmental conditions, which contributes to an overall improvement in the reliability of photovoltaic modules. It guarantees that the photovoltaic PV evaporation film will continue to be firmly attached to the components of the module, even when subjected to severe operating circumstances.

Improved Resistance to the Elements The product’s exceptional weather resistance capabilities shield photovoltaic photovoltaic (PV) films from ultraviolet (UV) radiation, temperature changes, and moisture, hence reducing the amount of film degradation occurred. As a result, the performance of the module is enhanced, the amount of maintenance required is decreased, and the resistance to environmental pressures is raised.

Companies that make solar PV modules can improve their overall performance and longevity by integrating the Silane Functional Additive. This allows them to generate larger energy yields, lower the costs of maintenance, and improve overall performance.


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