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Películas compuestas coextruidas multicapa Compatibilizador

Modelo Nº: W1L


COACE's W1L is polyethylene as the base material grafted with MAH, and polar side groups are introduced into the non-polar chain. It is an compatibilizer for multilayer coextruded composite films.
Descripción de los productos


The enhanced performance and versatility of multilayer coextruded composite films have led to their widespread application across a variety of sectors. The majority of the time, these films are made up of numerous layers of various materials, each of which has a distinct function. On the other hand, it can be difficult to achieve compatibility and appropriate adhesion between these several layers. A specialist product known as a compatibilizer comes into play at this point in the process.


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Apariencia Gránulos
Color Blanco o amarillo claro
Densidad 0.92 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Caudal de fusión(190℃2,16kg) 0.5-2 g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenido de anhídrido maleico Alta wt% Método COACE[1]


  • Interfacial Bonding: These compatibilizers are designed to increase the strength of the interfacial bonding that exists between the various layers of the film. They improve adhesion between materials that are incompatible with one another, which will result in a film structure that is cohesive and durable.
  • Compatibility with Materials: Compatibilizers are designed to be compatible with a wide variety of materials that are typically utilized in the production of multilayer coextruded composite films. Many different types of polymers are included in this category, including polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and others. Because of their ability to effectively glue these materials together, they are able to overcome any potential interfacial difficulties.
  • Compatibilizers have adequate melt flow qualities, which enable them to mix uniformly with the polymer matrix during the coextrusion process. This is also known as the melt flow properties. This guarantees that they are effectively dispersed throughout the structure of the picture, which ultimately results in increased compatibility.
  • Thermal Stability Compatibilizers are thermally stable, meaning that they are able to endure the processing temperatures that are involved in the fabrication of films such as coextrusion, lamination, and other comparable processes. Their effectiveness is not diminished or diminished in any way, and they continue to perform as expected.
  • In terms of compatibilization efficiency, these products have a high level of compatibilization efficiency, which indicates that they are able to successfully increase adhesion and compatibility between the various layers of the film, even with a relatively modest dose.




Compatibilizers improve the overall performance and functionality of multilayer coextruded composite films by providing a number of benefits. Among these benefits are:

a. Better Interlayer Adhesion: Compatibilizers improve the cohesiveness of films by enhancing the interlayer adhesion between various materials. Better mechanical strength, barrier qualities, and general film integrity are the outcomes of this.

b. Improved Film Properties: A compatibilizer can be added to improve a film’s tensile strength, elongation, tear resistance, and impact strength, among other qualities. As a result, films are produced with enhanced performance qualities, opening up new application possibilities.

c. Increased Material Options: A wider variety of materials can be used in multilayer coextruded composite films thanks to compatibilizers. They increase the options for film design and performance by making it easier to incorporate elements that would otherwise be incompatible or difficult to bond.

d. Cost Optimization: Compatibilizers might lessen the requirement for pricey or specialty materials by increasing the compatibility between various layers. This may result in cost minimization without sacrificing the quality of the movie.

e. Customized Film Properties: Compatibilizers provide the adaptability to customize particular film properties in accordance with the intended application specifications. Manufacturers can attain desired adhesion, flexibility, or barrier qualities by varying the dosage and compatibilizer selection.


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Applications for compatibilizers for multilayer coextruded composite films can be found in a variety of sectors and packaging types. Among the specialized applications are the following:

a. Food Packaging: These compatibilizers are frequently utilized in applications that include food packaging, such as barrier bags, laminated films, and flexible pouches. They enhance the adhesion between the various layers, so ensuring that the packaging maintains its integrity and provides optimal performance.

b. Packaging for Medical and Pharmaceutical Purposes Compatibilizers play an important part in the packaging of medical and pharmaceutical products. In these particular types of packaging, the compatibility and adhesion between the various layers are essential for preserving the sterility and stability of the product. The packaging of medical devices, blister packs, and sachets are some of the applications that make use of these materials.

c. Industrial Packaging: Compatibilizers are applied in a variety of industrial packaging applications, including those in the chemical, electronic, and automotive industries. The compatibility between the various layers is increased as a result, which results in enhanced protection and performance.


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