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Polipropileno de alto peso molecular funcionalizado con anhídrido maleico

Modelo Nº: B1R


B1R is a maleic anhydride functionalized high molecular weight polypropylene with high reactivity.
Características Valor Unidad Método de ensayo
Apariencia Gránulos
Color Blanco
Densidad 0.92 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Caudal de fusión(190℃2,16kg) 2-8 g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenido de anhídrido maleico Alta wt% Método COACE[1]

Notas: BAJO<0,4wt%;Medio(0,4wt%-0,8wt%);Alto≥0,8wt%

Descripción de los productos


El B1R es un polipropileno de alto peso molecular funcionalizado con anhídrido maleico de alta reactividad. El B1R es un tipo de polipropileno modificado químicamente con anhídrido maleico para mejorar sus propiedades. La adición de anhídrido maleico crea sitios reactivos a lo largo de la cadena polimérica, que pueden utilizarse para la reticulación, el injerto u otras reacciones químicas. El elevado peso molecular del B1R le confiere una buena resistencia mecánica y estabilidad térmica.

B1R is a type of polypropylene that has been chemically modified with maleic anhydride to improve its properties. The addition of maleic anhydride creates reactive sites along the polymer chain, which can be used for crosslinking, grafting, or other chemical reactions. The high molecular weight of B1R ensures that it has good mechanical strength and thermal stability.

Functionalized Maleic Anhydride Excellent Molecular Weight High molecular weight polypropylene and maleic anhydride functionalization are combined in polypropylene, a specialty product. This uncommon mixture has excellent qualities and makes a wide range of applications possible across numerous industries.

Functionalized Maleic Anhydride Excellent Molecular Weight Maleic anhydride has chemically changed polypropylene to create polypropylene. Maleic anhydride groups are added to the polypropylene backbone during this functionalization process, increasing the material’s reactivity and compatibility with other substances. As reactive sites for crosslinking, grafting, and bonding with other polymers, fillers, or surfaces, the maleic anhydride groups serve as a protective barrier. This functionalization gives the polypropylene special qualities that make it very adaptable and ideal for a variety of uses.


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Características Valor Unidad Método de ensayo
Apariencia Gránulos
Color Blanco
Densidad 0.92 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Caudal de fusión(190℃2,16kg) 2-8 g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenido de anhídrido maleico Alta wt% Método COACE[1]

Notas: BAJO<0,4wt%;Medio(0,4wt%-0,8wt%);Alto≥0,8wt%

  • The high reactivity of B1R means that it can be easily functionalized further, and the maleic anhydride groups make it a useful compatibilizer in polymer blends. B1R can also be used as a coupling agent to improve the adhesion between dissimilar polymers, or as a reactive diluent to improve the processing properties of other polymers.
  • B1R is commonly used in the production of thermoplastic elastomers, which are materials that combine the mechanical properties of rubber with the processing advantages of thermoplastics. B1R can also be used in the production of foams, adhesives, coatings, and other polymer-based products that require good adhesion, flexibility, and thermal stability.


  • Overall, B1R is a versatile polymer that can be used in a wide range of applications due to its high reactivity, maleic anhydride functionality, and high molecular weight.


1. Improved Adhesion: This product’s maleic anhydride functional groups make it easier for polypropylene to stick to other substances like metals, glass, or other polymers. In a variety of applications, this better adhesion improves bonding strength and durability.

2. Enhanced Compatibility: High Molecular Weight Maleic Anhydride Functionalized Improved compatibility with a variety of polymers, fillers, and additives is a property of polypropylene. Due to the simplicity of blending and processing made possible by this compatibility, the final product’s mechanical characteristics and overall performance are enhanced.

3. Enhanced Thermal Stability: This polypropylene product’s high molecular weight offers exceptional thermal stability, making it suited for uses that call for resistance to high temperatures. It can endure extended heat exposure without suffering considerable deterioration, ensuring the durability and dependability of the finished product.

4. Improved Impact Resistance: The polypropylene’s impact resistance has been improved by the maleic anhydride functionalization, making it ideal for uses requiring high toughness and durability. The automobile, construction, and packaging industries all benefit greatly from this feature.

5. Flexible Processing: High Molecular Weight Maleic Anhydride Functionalized Processing methods for polypropylene include extrusion, blow molding, injection molding, and film blowing. Due to its processing flexibility, a variety of products with various sizes, forms, and characteristics can be produced.


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Certificación Coace

Certificación ISO9001:2015
Certificación ISO14001:2015
Registro REACH de la UE

Preinscripción en K-REACH de Corea

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1.To be used as hot melt adhesive for high-strength steel mesh skeleton pipes.


2.To be used as coupling agent in high-strength polypropylene foam to strengthen theadhesion between infill materials and polypropylene.


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