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Impact Modifiers For Nylon

Nº de modelo: W1A-2


W1A-2 es un polímero injertado de MAH, con elastómero de poliolefina como material de base, con características de temperatura de transición vítrea extremadamente baja y aspecto de partículas blancas y transparentes.
Características Valor Unidad Método de ensayo
Apariencia Gránulos
Color Blanco g/cm3 ASTM D792
Densidad 0.87
Caudal de fusión(190℃2,16kg) 0.3-1.0 g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenido de anhídrido maleico Alta wt% Método COACE

NOTA: Los datos anteriores son valores de prueba típicos y no deben interpretarse como una especificación baja 0,8wt%.

Descripción de los productos


W1A-2 es un polímero injertado de MAH, con elastómero de poliolefina como material de base, con características de temperatura de transición vítrea extremadamente baja y aspecto de partículas blancas y transparentes.

The resulting polymer has unique properties, including an extremely low glass transition temperature and a white, transparent particle appearance.

El elastómero de poliolefina utilizado como material de base para el W1A-2 es un tipo de caucho sintético que se utiliza habitualmente en aplicaciones que requieren flexibilidad y durabilidad. Al injertar MAH en el elastómero de poliolefina, el polímero resultante tiene propiedades mejoradas, como una mayor adherencia a otros materiales y una mayor compatibilidad con materiales polares.

La temperatura de transición vítrea extremadamente baja del W1A-2 significa que sigue siendo blando y flexible a bajas temperaturas, lo que lo hace ideal para su uso en aplicaciones en las que la flexibilidad es esencial, como en sellos, juntas y mangueras. El aspecto blanco y transparente de las partículas de W1A-2 lo hace útil en aplicaciones en las que la claridad es importante, como en envases alimentarios o dispositivos médicos.

The Nylon Impact Modifiers provide a number of benefits, including as increased toughness, superior processing stability, and increased resistance to impact. The mechanical properties of Nylon-based materials are optimized by these impact modifiers because of their temperature resilience, specific chemical structure, regulated particle size distribution, and compatibility. The Impact Modifiers for Nylon offer dependable and long-lasting solutions for applications in the automotive, electrical, consumer goods, and industrial sectors. This guarantees improved impact resistance and a longer service life for items made of nylon.


Equipamiento avanzado

Equipada con avanzadas líneas de producción y centro de pruebas experimentales para garantizar la calidad del producto.

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Más de 10 técnicos experimentados en I+D impulsan la innovación continua.





Características Valor Unidad Método de ensayo
Apariencia Gránulos
Color Blanco g/cm3 ASTM D792
Densidad 0.87
Caudal de fusión(190℃2,16kg) 0.3-1.0 g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenido de anhídrido maleico Alta wt% Método COACE

NOTA: Los datos anteriores son valores de prueba típicos y no deben interpretarse como una especificación baja 0,8wt%.


The Impact Modifiers for Nylon have been meticulously designed to demonstrate exceptional compatibility with Nylon matrices. This leads to improved impact resistance and toughness by facilitating effective dispersion and consistent distribution throughout the polymer.

  • Particle Size Distribution: To provide consistent and uniform performance, the Impact Modifiers are developed with a regulated particle size distribution. This characteristic makes it easier to blend materials uniformly with nylon, which encourages effective impact energy transfer and enhances the material’s overall mechanical qualities.
  • Chemical Structure: The Impact Modifiers have a specially designed chemical structure that improves the way the additive and the Nylon matrix interact. Strong bonding and compatibility are ensured by this structure, which helps impact modifiers distribute impact energy and increase the toughness of the material.
  • Temperature Resistance: The Impact Modifiers can withstand a wide range of temperatures and yet retain their impact-enhancing qualities because to their exceptional temperature resistance. This guarantees reliable operation and resilience to impacts, even in harsh environmental circumstances.


Superior Impact Resistance: We have developed impact modifiers that have been carefully created to considerably increase the impact resistance of nylon materials. They ensure the sturdiness and lifespan of your products by efficiently distributing energy upon impact, preventing cracks, fractures, and other structural failures.

Enhanced Toughness: Your nylon-based goods will have outstanding toughness thanks to our impact modifiers. They strengthen the material, enabling it to survive challenging environments, large loads, and repeated stress, thereby lowering the chance of early component failure and lengthening component lifespan.

Improved Flexibility: Our impact modifiers provide nylon materials a notable boost in flexibility, enabling more design freedom and diversity. Your goods can adapt to changing conditions because to their flexibility and endure bending, twisting, and other mechanical loads without losing their integrity.

Enhanced Processing Efficiency: Our impact modifiers are made to make manufacturing and processing easier. They mix and disperse easily and uniformly with nylon thanks to their outstanding compatibility, which increases processing effectiveness, shortens cycle times, and reduces scrap rates.

The best heat stability is provided by our impact modifiers, allowing your nylon-based goods to preserve their mechanical qualities even at high temperatures. They are excellent for a variety of applications that require heat resistance due to this property, which guarantees continuous performance and dependability.


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Certificación Coace

Certificación ISO9001:2015
Certificación ISO14001:2015
Registro REACH de la UE

Korea K-REACH pre-registration.

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1.Se utiliza como modificador de impacto para masterbatch de compuestos ignífugos de base PA6, PA66 y poliamida.

2.To be used as compatibilizers to improve the compatibility between polyamide andpolypropylene, or polyethylene.





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