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Resistencia a la fatiga Resistencia al envejecimiento Modificadores de impacto para PA6, PA66

Modelo Nº: W1P-1


Coace® W1P-1 is an anhydride modified ethylene propylene diene monomer used as impact modifiers for PA6, PA66 with high elastic modulus of rubber, fatigue resistance and aging resistance.
Características Valor Unidad Método de ensayo
Apariencia Gránulos
Color Blanco o amarillo claro
Densidad 0.87 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Melt Flow Rate(190℃10kg) 0.2-1.0 g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenido de anhídrido maleico Medio wt%

Método COACE[1]

Descripción de los productos


Coace® W1P-1 is an anhydride-modified ethylene propylene diene monomer with strong elastic modulus, fatigue, and aging resistance.

Fatigue and aging resistance impact modifiers made from anhydride-modified EPDM with high elastic modulus rubber provide a comprehensive solution for improving the performance and durability of PA6 and PA66 materials. These modifiers offer several benefits across a wide range of sectors thanks to their fatigue resistance, aging resistance, and impact strength.


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Características Valor Unidad Método de ensayo
Apariencia Gránulos
Color Blanco o amarillo claro
Densidad 0.87 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Melt Flow Rate(190℃10kg) 0.2-1.0 g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenido de anhídrido maleico Medio wt%

Método COACE[1]

Notas [1] LOW<0,4wt%; Middle(0,4wt%-0,8wt%); High≥0,8wt%.

  • Anhydride Modification: The modifiers undergo anhydride modification, which improves compatibility with PA6 and PA66 matrices. This modification promotes the dispersion of the modifiers throughout the polymer matrix, resulting in improved mechanical characteristics.
  • Ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) base: The modifiers are based on EPDM, which gives the material high elasticity, impact resistance, and fatigue resistance. Rubber’s high elastic modulus provides greater mechanical stability and resistance to deformation.
  • Fatigue Resistance: The modifiers improve the fatigue resistance of PA6 and PA66, allowing the materials to sustain repeated mechanical stress and cycle loading with little deterioration. This provides long-term performance and reliability, particularly in applications involving dynamic loads or vibrations.
  • Aging Resistance: The modifiers are very resistant to aging causes such heat, UV light, and chemical exposure. They serve to reduce the impacts of long-term exposure to adverse environmental conditions, reducing degradation and preserving the material’s mechanical qualities throughout a longer service life.




Increased Impact Strength: The modifiers improve the impact strength of PA6 and PA66, making them more resistant to impacts, shocks, and rapid loading. This property is especially useful in applications where the material may be subjected to sudden impacts or collisions.

Improved Elasticity: The high elastic modulus of rubber in the modifiers increases the elasticity and flexibility of PA6 and PA66 materials. This improves recovery from distortion, reduces the likelihood of permanent deformation, and increases resistance to fatigue failure.

Improved Product Reliability: By increasing the fatigue and aging resistance of PA6 and PA66, the modifiers improve the dependability and longevity of goods in a variety of industries.

Increased Safety and Durability: Impact modifiers boost the impact strength and flexibility of PA6 and PA66 materials, hence improving product safety and durability. This is especially significant in situations where materials are subjected to mechanical stress, impact, or vibration.


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Certificación Coace

Certificación ISO9001:2015
Certificación ISO14001:2015
Registro REACH de la UE

Preinscripción en K-REACH de Corea

Ventaja empresarial

Disposición en el país y en el extranjero, maravillosa para mezclar
Distribución nacional
Diseño de marketing en el extranjero



Aplicación típica

To be used as impact modifiers for PA6, PA66, and polyamide base fireretardant
compounds masterbatch.

To be used as compatibilizers to improve the compatibility between polyamideandpolypropylene, or polyethylene

Industria de aplicación

a. The fatigue resistance and aging resistance impact modifiers are widely used in industries that use PA6 and PA66 materials. These modifiers improve material performance and durability in specialized applications, such as the automobile industry, where they are utilized to produce parts and components made of PA6 and PA66. They increase the fatigue resistance, aging resistance, and impact strength of these materials, assuring consistent performance in engine components, electrical connectors, fuel systems, and structural parts.

b. Electrical and Electronics Sector: The modifiers improve the performance and longevity of PA6 and PA66, which are used in electrical and electronic applications. They have good aging resistance and impact strength, making them perfect for connectors, switches, housings, and other components that are subjected to demanding operating circumstances.

c. Industrial Manufacturing: The modifiers are used in a variety of industrial applications that utilize PA6 and PA66 materials. They improve the fatigue resistance, aging resistance, and impact strength of these materials, making them suitable for gears, bearings, rollers, and other components subjected to high loads and frequent mechanical stress.


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