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Material degradable compatibilizador/extensor de cadena BP-1

Modelo Nº: BP-1


Bp-1 puede promover la compatibilidad de PLA, PBAT y polvo mineral inorgánico, almidón, polvo de bambú y otros materiales. BP-1 es un elastómero de poliéster funcionalizado con MAH, que puede degradarse completamente por sí mismo. Se utiliza principalmente para mejorar el rendimiento de los materiales degradables de poliéster.compatibilidad.
Además de ser biodegradables y reciclables, los productos de ácido poliláctico también tienen las ventajas del brillo, la transparencia, el tacto y la resistencia al calor. El ácido poliláctico (PLA) también tiene ciertas propiedades antibacterianas, ignífugas y de resistencia a los rayos UV. Por todo ello, es muy versátil y puede utilizarse como vajilla, material de embalaje, fibras y telas no tejidas, etc.
Descripción de los productos


BP-1 is a maleic anhydride functionalized polyester elastomer that is completely degradable by itself.

Además de ser biodegradables y reciclables, los productos de ácido poliláctico también tienen las ventajas del brillo, la transparencia, el tacto y la resistencia al calor. El ácido poliláctico (PLA) también tiene ciertas propiedades antibacterianas, ignífugas y de resistencia a los rayos UV. Por todo ello, es muy versátil y puede utilizarse como vajilla, material de embalaje, fibras y telas no tejidas, etc.

The Degradable Material Compatibilizer transforms sustainable polymer applications by providing remarkable compatibility improvements and performance improvement for degradable materials. This additive facilitates the production of environmentally friendly materials and compounds for a range of sectors through its increased mechanical qualities, greater compatibility, thermal stability, and encouragement of biodegradability. By combining this product’s surface feeding agent capabilities and satile solvent compatibility, manufacturers are revolutionizing manufacturing processes across a range of sectors. By using this product in their production processes, manufacturers can increase surface quality, achieve dependable adhesion, optimize film blowing, and customize solvent-based systems. The remarkable attributes and benefits of the General-Purpose EVA-g-MAH product make it a compelling option for purchasers looking to improve surface treatment, solvent compatibility, adhesion, and film quality in their products.


Equipamiento avanzado

Equipada con avanzadas líneas de producción y centro de pruebas experimentales para garantizar la calidad del producto.

Gran fuerza técnica

Más de 10 técnicos experimentados en I+D impulsan la innovación continua.



Características Valor Unidad Método de ensayo
Apariencia Gránulos
Color Blanco o amarillo claro
Densidad 1.21 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Contenido de anhídrido maleico Alta wt% Método COACE[1]

Notes[1]LOW<0.4wt%; Middle(0.4wt%-0.8wt%); High≥0.8wt%.


  • Improved Compatibility: A variety of degradable polymers, including biodegradable and compostable materials, are highly compatible with the Degradable Material Compatibilizer. Enhancing compatibility and mixing efficiency leads to better material qualities and processing efficiency. By addressing issues with blending and processing, the Degradable Material Compatibilizer greatly enhances the compatibility between various degradable polymers. This benefit gives producers the ability to develop sustainable materials and compounds with enhanced capabilities.
  • Increased Tensile Strength, Impact Resistance, and Elongation at Break: The product improves the mechanical characteristics of biodegradable materials. It helps create goods that are strong and long-lasting and satisfy the demanding specifications of many applications.
  • Thermal Stability: The outstanding thermal stability of the Degradable Material Compatibilizer guarantees that the qualities and performance of degradable materials are maintained during processing and use. This characteristic adds to the material’s overall dependability and appropriateness for demanding applications.
  • Biodegradability Enhancement: By speeding up the biodegradation of biodegradable polymers and lowering their environmental impact, the product helps the process. It encourages the material’s transformation into ecologically beneficial byproducts, aiding in the shift to a circular economy.
  • Sustainable Solutions: The Degradable Material Compatibilizer facilitates the creation of sustainable solutions by improving the characteristics and compatibility of degradable polymers. It facilitates the shift to a more circular and environmentally friendly economy and helps to lessen the negative effects of plastic waste on the environment.
  • Versatile Uses: The Degradable Material Compatibilizer is used in a number of industries, such as consumer goods, packaging, agriculture, and automotive. It is appropriate for a variety of manufacturing processes and end-use applications due to its compatibility enhancement and mechanical property improvement capabilities.








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Certificación Coace

Certificación ISO9001:2015
Certificación ISO14001:2015
Registro REACH de la UE

Preinscripción en K-REACH de Corea

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Disposición en el país y en el extranjero, maravillosa para mezclar
Distribución nacional
Diseño de marketing en el extranjero



1. PBAT/PLA composite material

2. PBAT/PLA/filler

Solución por industria

Packaging: The substance is used in biodegradable films, bags, and containers, among other packaging uses. Enhancing the mechanical qualities and compatibility of biodegradable materials guarantees dependable operation while mitigating environmental effects.

Agriculture: The compatibilizer is utilized in biodegradable plant pots, mulch films, and seed coating, among other agricultural applications. It contributes to the sustainability and effectiveness of agricultural methods by improving the mechanical strength and compatibility of biodegradable materials.

Consumer Goods: The substance is used in food containers, disposable cutlery, and personal hygiene items, among other consumer goods. Enhancing the mechanical performance and compatibility of biodegradable materials allows for the creation of useful and ecologically friendly goods.

Automobiles: Interior elements, trim pieces, and under-the-hood components are among the uses for the Degradable Material Compatibilizer. By improving degradable materials’ mechanical qualities and compatibility, it satisfies the exacting standards of the automobile sector.



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