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La crisis energética mundial desde Fukushima y el camino hacia la energía limpia

Japan has chosen to let radioactive wastewater processed from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean, a tragic development that has stunned the entire globe. This was all the rage, and for a while Japan’s decision was criticized by the general public. The Fukushima tragedy also serves as a stark reminder of our enormous responsibilities in light of the world energy crisis and the difficulties associated with environmental preservation. Let’s be clear at this crucial juncture: Unfounded charges will not bring about any change.

To escape this predicament, we must act decisively to hasten the development of sustainable energy. As a clean and sustainable energy source, photovoltaics is now playing a significant role in the worldwide energy transition. However, further research and development into associated technologies and materials is required if we are to increase photovoltaic energy’s efficiency, stability, and environmental performance.



The photovoltaic film additives that Coaces independently developed have the potential to greatly increase the photovoltaic films’ resistance to weather and bonding strength, lengthen the modules’ service life, lower maintenance and replacement costs, and increase the affordability and dependability of photovoltaic energy. options for sustainable energy.

To have a comprehensive understanding of the models and applications of COACES photovoltaic film additives, kindly navigate to the following link: Photovoltaic packaging film additives product series.

A silane-grafted POE film masterbatch for solar encapsulation is called R1020. High silane content, no precipitation, no water absorption, good dispersibility, good stability, high transparency, and strong weather resistance are some of this product’s qualities. R1020 is a silane-modified olefin copolymer, which is mainly used in photovoltaic encapsulation films. It has the characteristics of high silane content, high transparency and low crystal point.



An additional component utilized in the solar photovoltaic cell packaging process is aditivo para película de encapsulación fotovoltaica. Its primary purpose is to enhance the efficiency and performance of solar cell encapsulation through process optimization. The success rate of solar encapsulation film packaging can be increased by adding the proper additives (especially when added to the hot melt adhesive of the photovoltaic film level). The yield will increase as a result of the use of chemicals, which will effectively improve the film’s adhesion to the solar silicon crystal panel. The majority of consumers use Kos photovoltaic packaging film additives because of their high grafting rate, good fluidity, high resistivity, low crystal point, and other qualities!

We must transition to clean, renewable energy as quickly as possible because of the severity of the world’s energy crisis and environmental issues. The goal of COACES is to support clean energy. A group of Ph.D. holders and senior engineers overseeing an R&D team have created a range of highly effective solar packaging film additives to support the further growth of the photovoltaic sector. We’ll keep spending money on R&D, keep making improvements to our goods, and contribute more to the global green energy sector in the future.

We also urge all individuals and groups to accept their duties, give back to the environment and the next generation, and support and advance sustainable development.

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