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¿Cómo resolver el problema de la espuma en la granulación de doble tornillo de POM?

When using a POM twin-screw granulator, foaming is a frequent problem that can reduce the process’ effectiveness and quality. In this essay, we will examine practical strategies to address this issue and guarantee POM granulation that is smooth. You may reduce foaming and improve the overall efficiency of your granulation process by using these expert strategies.
1. Understanding the Mechanism of Foaming In POM twin-screw granulation, trapped air or gas is released during the compounding process, which is the main source of foaming. The twin-screw extruder’s strong shear forces and temperature swings can cause air bubbles to become trapped, which causes foaming. To properly solve the problem, it is essential to understand this mechanism.

2. Appropriate Screw Configuration and Design The screw design and arrangement is one of the main elements impacting foaming in POM twin-screw granulation. Foaming may be considerably reduced by using optimal screw geometry, which includes the length, pitch, and depth of the screw parts. A well-designed screw profile promotes effective polymer melt mixing and dispersion, reducing the possibility of air entrapment.
3. Temperature Management Foaming must be avoided during POM twin-screw granulation by maintaining exact temperature control. The temperature should be adjusted within the normal range of 200°C and 240°C for POM processing. Lower temperatures might cause inadequate melt flow and insufficient granulation, while higher temperatures could cause thermal deterioration and increased foaming.

4. A suitable venting system To get rid of trapped air or gas during the granulation process, the twin-screw extruder must have a reliable venting mechanism. The extruder barrel’s venting zone needs to be properly positioned to allow volatile components to escape. This aids in lowering foaming and guarantees the creation of POM granules of the highest caliber.

5. Choosing the Right Additives The foaming issue in POM twin-screw granulation may be considerably reduced by adding the appropriate additives. To lower surface tension and stop bubbles from forming, antifoaming chemicals or processing aids can be added to the polymer melt. It is crucial to choose additives that work well with POM and don’t interfere with its qualities.

6. Process Parameter Optimization Foaming during POM twin-screw granulation may be significantly reduced by fine-tuning the process parameters. To guarantee optimum melt homogeneity and prevent excessive shear forces that may cause foaming, parameters including screw speed, feed rate, and melt pressure should be adjusted. The best settings for controlling foaming may be found by conducting methodical trials and keeping an eye on the process parameters.
7. Continual Equipment Upkeep To avoid foaming problems, the twin-screw extruder must be regularly maintained. A disruption in the melt flow and an increase in the likelihood of foaming might result from wear or damage to the screws, barrel, or other components. To keep the granulation process operating effectively, worn-out components must be regularly inspected, cleaned, and replaced.

In conclusion, a thorough strategy is needed to solve the foaming issue in POM twin-screw granulation. You can successfully resolve the foaming issue and produce high-quality POM granules by comprehending the mechanism of foaming, optimizing screw design, controlling temperature, incorporating a venting system, choosing appropriate additives, optimizing process parameters, and making sure that equipment is regularly maintained. By putting these expert strategies into practice, your granulation process will run more productively and efficiently, producing better outcomes overall.


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