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Cómo resolver los fenómenos comunes de envejecimiento de la película de EVA?

1. Distemper

EVA will experience “yellowing” and “browning” during solar module operation when exposed to the outdoors for an extended period of time. Discoloration lowers the EVA’s light transmittance, which in turn lowers the solar cell’s photocurrent and, eventually, causes the photovoltaic module to lose power. The primary cause of this phenomena is because, when temperatures rise, the combination of entering water and UV light causes the chemical makeup of EVA packing material to alter, producing unsaturated polyolefin chromophores. Light yellow to dark brown is the hue of EVA that gradually deepens when the unsaturated polyolefin components accumulate.


2. Stacking

There are several causes of delamination. The primary cause is the aging of EVA during use, in addition to process variables. The breakdown of interface bonds brought on by EVA aging results in gaps forming between EVA and other layers. Water, oxygen, heat, and light are all involved in this process. Things like these have a significant impact. Climates that are hot and humid tend to speed up stratification.

3. Floatation

Similar to delamination, blistering is a smaller-scale phenomenon brought on by EVA’s lack of adherence. The bubbles are the result of chemical reactions that release gasses, which sometimes form between the glass and the cell at the front of the module but frequently appear at the back and gather in the package. Bubbles decrease the battery’s ability to dissipate heat, raise the risk of overheating, shorten the component’s lifespan, decrease the photovoltaic module’s ability to absorb sunlight, and increase sunlight reflection.


4.How can EVA film withstand aging?

The modified EVA film is a component of the solar cell and contributes just a little portion of the module’s total cost; nonetheless, the solar cell’s service life is determined by the quality of this film. Therefore, it is crucial to enhance the EVA film’s anti-aging properties. Currently, in order to completely guarantee the weather resistance of EVA films for solar cell packaging, additives including antioxidants, UV absorbers, light stabilizers, and silane coupling agents are typically needed to be added to all EVA films.
Silane photovoltaic additives are additives with ground-breaking qualities that are used to extend the life and performance of photovoltaic films and address the issue of the films aging after the addition of conventional additives. Photovoltaic film is a crucial component of solar cell modules. The issue.


5. The function of silane photovoltaic additives

In photovoltaic films, silane photovoltaic additives have several functions, including but not restricted to the following:
a) Cross-linking enhancement: To create a cross-linked network structure, the grafted silane photovoltaic additive and the polymer matrix in the film may react through a cross-linking process. The cross-linking action has the potential to enhance the film’s resistance to stretch, impact, and thermal aging while also boosting its mechanical strength and thermal stability.
b) Barrier protection: By using silane photovoltaic additives, you may successfully stop moisture, oxygen, and other dangerous chemicals from penetrating your system by creating a tight barrier layer. This barrier effect increases the durability and dependability of the coating and lessens corrosion, electrical malfunctions, and performance degradation brought on by outside environmental variables.

c) Protection against aging: The silane photovoltaic addition possesses strong antioxidant qualities and may successfully stop the deterioration of the film’s chemical and physical characteristics. Silane photovoltaic additives can slow down the aging process of the film and increase its service life by lowering the formation and capture of free radicals.

d) Surface modification: The film’s anti-stick and anti-pollution qualities can be enhanced by the use of silane photovoltaic additives. This surface modification enhances the photovoltaic module’s ability to absorb light and generate electricity while lowering the amount of dust and impurities that stick to the film’s surface.




The photovoltaic additive series from Coace is a silane-modified copolymer with low crystal point, high transparency, and high silane concentration. It can contribute in a number of ways, including surface modification, barrier protection, anti-aging protection, and cross-linking augmentation. Advanced silane photovoltaic additives will be used to create solar film materials that are more stable, long-lasting, and efficient.

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