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¿Cómo contribuyen las películas multicapa coextruidas a reducir el desperdicio de alimentos en la industria alimentaria?

In addition to having negative effects on the economy, society, and the environment, food waste is a huge global problem that deserves attention. The purpose of this article is to investigate the function that multilayer coextruded films play in the food business in terms of lowering the amount of food that is wasted. In order to investigate the impact that these films have on reducing the amount of food that is wasted along the supply chain, we will first investigate the key characteristics of these films, which include barrier properties, product protection, shelf life extension, and portion control. In order to address the widespread problem of food waste, this investigation will illustrate how important it is to use new packaging options.

Properties that act as a barrier and preservation

In order to maintain the quality and freshness of food products, multilayer coextruded films provide outstanding barrier qualities. These properties are an essential component in the manufacturing process. The purpose of this part is to describe the different ways in which these films efficiently protect against oxygen, moisture, light, and other environmental factors that contribute to the deterioration of food. In addition to extending the shelf life of perishable items, multilayer films assist inhibit the spread of bacteria due to their ability to create a protective barrier. These films also aid to preserve flavor and nutritional value. An investigation will be conducted to determine the effect that barrier qualities have on the reduction of food waste at various phases, such as production, transportation, and sale.



Providing Protection for Products and Preventing Damage

In addition to maintaining their barrier capabilities, multilayer coextruded films offer superior protection for the product against any physical harm that may occur during the handling and distribution processes. The purpose of this section is to highlight the fact that these films give resistance to punctures, tears, and impacts, hence protecting food goods from becoming spoiled or contaminated. In this presentation, we will place an emphasis on the importance that adequate packaging plays in preventing losses that occur as a result of mistreatment, shipping mishaps, and shelf deterioration. Also, the impact of multilayer films on reducing product waste throughout the full product lifecycle will be explored. This is accomplished by ensuring that the packaging remains intact during the entire process.

The Extension of the Shelf Life and the Freshness

The use of multilayer coextruded films helps to extend the shelf life of food goods, which in turn helps to reduce the amount of food that is wasted. This section will investigate how these films help to preserve the freshness, flavor, and texture of the product by reducing the amount of exposure it receives from external sources. In this presentation, we will explore the significance of regulating the levels of moisture, temperature, and light transmission through the utilization of customized multilayer frameworks. An investigation into the influence of shelf life extension on the reduction of food waste in retail settings, such as supermarkets and restaurants, will be carried out. Particular attention will be paid to the function that multilayer films play in inventory management and the reduction of goods that are either unsold or have expired.


Convenience and control over portion sizes

Additionally, multilayer coextruded films provide for portion control and convenient packaging formats, both of which can contribute to the reduction of food waste and excessive consumption. In this section, we will explore how these films make individual or single-serving packaging possible, which enables customers to eat the quantity they wish without the fear of the food going bad. The influence of portion control on the reduction of food waste in families, foodservice facilities, and consumption while on the move will be investigated. In addition, the function that resealable and easy-to-open packaging solutions have in preserving the freshness of the product and preventing waste will be investigated.

Throughout the food industry, películas coextruidas multicapa provide essential solutions for reducing the amount of food that that is wasted. Through the provision of excellent barrier qualities, the guarantee of product protection, the extension of shelf life, and the facilitation of portion control, these films play an essential role in the reduction of losses at many levels of the supply chain. For the purpose of reaching sustainability goals and tackling the worldwide crisis of food waste, it is vital to embrace innovative packaging solutions that prioritize the preservation of food and the reduction of waste. The adoption of multilayer coextruded films and ongoing developments in packaging technology are two ways in which the food industry may make a contribution to the development of a food system that is more responsible, sustainable, and efficient.

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