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¿Cómo puede determinarse la elección entre EVA y POE en función de los requisitos específicos del módulo fotovoltaico?

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The performance, longevity, and long-term reliability of photovoltaic (PV) modules are greatly influenced by the material chosen for their encapsulation. Polyolefin Elastomer (POE) and Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) are two materials that are frequently used for PV module encapsulation. The purpose of this article is to examine the variables that influence the decision between EVA and POE depending on the particular needs of the PV module. Module makers can maximise PV module performance by making well-informed judgements based on aspects such optical performance, adhesion requirements, moisture resistance, long-term stability, and manufacturing considerations.

Optical Efficiency

The efficiency of the PV module is directly impacted by the encapsulating material’s optical performance. EVA is well known for having outstanding optical transparency, which enables great light transmission to the solar cells. If optimising light transmission is of utmost importance, then EVA might be the better option. In contrast, more recent POE formulations with better optical qualities may be taken into consideration if modest drops in optical transparency are acceptable. This would help to close the performance difference between POE and EVA.



Adhesion Conditions

To preserve the integrity of the PV module and stop moisture infiltration, strong adherence between the encapsulating material and different PV module components is necessary. Because it is polar, EVA has a track record of excellent adhesion to a variety of substrates, including solar cells and glass. EVA is frequently the recommended option when high adhesion is a crucial need, especially in difficult environmental conditions. With the right adhesion promoters or surface treatments, POE can achieve sufficient bonding even though it typically exhibits poorer adherence than EVA.

Resistance to Moisture

For PV modules to remain reliable over time, moisture resistance is essential. For extended periods, EVA has proven to be a good moisture resistant material, offering a dependable barrier against the entrance of water vapour. EVA is a dependable option if exceptional moisture resistance is a crucial requirement. In certain cases, though, POE formulations with the right moisture barrier layers or other additives can also provide acceptable moisture resistance. When assessing POE’s applicability for a particular application, particular moisture-related issues must be carefully taken into account.

Extended Stability

Given that photovoltaic modules are subjected to a range of environmental stressors throughout their operating lifetime, long-term stability is an essential factor. EVA has a proven track record of dependable long-term stability and shows outstanding resistance to thermal deterioration and UV radiation. When dependable long-term stability is essential, EVA is frequently the best option. While POE offers strong thermal stability and resistance to UV radiation, achieving the necessary long-term stability levels may require careful addition selection and formulation. The suitability of POE formulations for certain long-term stability needs can be ensured by comprehensive testing and evaluation.


Aspects of Manufacturing

Other factors related to manufacturing may also have an impact on the decision between EVA and POE. The PV industry has made extensive use of EVA, and equipment and processing methods are well-established. A manufacturing process may need to be adjusted and further validated when transitioning to POE if it has already been optimised for EVA encapsulation. On the other hand, POE has benefits in terms of possible cost savings, lowered processing temperatures, accelerated cure times, and enhanced energy efficiency throughout the manufacturing of modules. These elements may help lower manufacturing costs and improve manufacturing flexibility.


For PV module encapsulation, the decision between EVA and POE should be made in light of particular needs and factors. A number of important factors are taken into account while making decisions, including manufacturing considerations, moisture resistance, adhesion requirements, optical performance, and long-term stability. EVA provides long-term stability, strong adhesion, good optical transparency, and proven moisture resistance. Even while POE lags a little in some areas, with the right formulation and processing, it can perform satisfactorily. The best encapsulation material for PV modules should be chosen after careful consideration of their unique needs and extensive testing in order to maximise the modules’ performance, longevity, and long-term dependability.



Whichever approach is used, it should be remembered that adding the proper photovoltaic packaging film additives—which are specifically applied to hot melt adhesives at the solar film level—is necessary to increase the success rate of photovoltaic packaging film packaging.
El rendimiento de los paneles fotovoltaicos depende en gran medida de la adherencia entre los paneles solares de cristal de silicio y las películas de embalaje fotovoltaico. La adición de productos químicos a las películas de embalaje solar es un paso crucial para lograr esta adherencia. El rendimiento aumentará cuando se utilicen aditivos, ya que la adhesión de la película y del panel solar de cristal de silicio será más eficaz.

COACES has a staff of top engineers and doctors that oversee the R&D, production, and servicing of aditivos para películas de envasado fotovoltaico. The company is dedicated to this endeavour. The majority of consumers use COACES solar packaging film additives because of their high resistivity, good fluidity, low crystal point, high grafting rate, and high transparency!


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