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Prolongar la vida útil de los módulos fotovoltaicos: La ciencia de los aditivos antienvejecimiento para películas fotovoltaicas


Growing worldwide demand for renewable energy has brought about previously unheard-of development prospects for the solar photovoltaic sector. Benefits to the economy and environment of solar modules are mostly determined by their long-term stability and efficiency. As a crucial part of solar panels, the life and dependability of the modules are directly impacted by the photovoltaic films’ performance. The scientific foundations of photovoltaic film anti-aging additives and their critical function in prolonging the life of solar modules will be thoroughly examined in this paper.

Value of films made of photovoltaic materials

Mainly situated between solar glass and cells, photovoltaic films shield cells from the environment and offer the required mechanical support. Photovoltaic module electrical and durability performance are directly correlated with film performance.

The reasons of  photovoltaic film

Long-term environmental conditions include ultraviolet rays, temperature swings, and humidity will have an impact on solar modules used outside. These elements will age the film, showing up as yellowing, hardness, cracking, etc., which will impact photovoltaic module performance and lifespan.


The part played by anti-aging substances

Chemical additives classified as anti-aging additives can, via a variety of methods, postpone or stop the aging process of film materials. Usually serving the following purposes are these additives:

Absorbing UV light is one way it keeps the light from getting through the coating and into the battery cell.Stabilization of light: It can catch free radicals produced by UV radiation to stop chain reactions.
Anti-oxidation: It prolongs the useful life of the material by neutralizing the oxidation reaction within of it.
Thermal stability: It can shield the film from thermal deterioration and increase its stability at high temperatures.

The anti-aging chemicals scientific principle

Anti-aging additives mostly work on the scientific basis of capturing free radicals and preserving chemical connections. Breaking of the chemical bonds in the film material by ultraviolet radiation can produce free radicals. The deterioration of material performance will follow from these free radicals starting oxidation processes. Additives to prevent aging function by the following pathways:

Protection of chemical bonds: It lessens the amount of chemical bond breakdown brought on by UV radiation by creating more stable bonds.
Providing electrons or hydrogen atoms, it reacts with free radicals to stop chain reactions.
Inhibiting photochemical reactions: The material’s photochemical reaction path is altered to lessen the production of toxic compounds.
Application of anti-aging substances
The performance and economy of solar film depend on the exact management of the anti-aging additive addition during the manufacturing process. The substrate, use environment, and anticipated film life must all influence the choice and amount of additives.

Anti-aging additives development tendency

The demands for film performance are rising as photovoltaic technology develops further. The environment, great efficiency, and diversity of future anti-aging chemicals will receive greater attention. To lessen the need of organic solvents, for instance, create water-based anti-aging chemicals or enhance the film’s capacity for self-repair.


One of the main technologies to guarantee the long-term and steady operation of photovoltaic modules is anti-aging additives for photovoltaic films. Effective extension of solar module service life and enhancement of its economic and environmental benefits are possible by a thorough understanding of its scientific principles and application technologies. The solar sector’s quick growth will present both opportunities and difficulties for the study and use of anti-aging chemicals.

COACE’s photovoltaic encapsulation film additive product series

1. R2120 is a silane-grafted photovoltaic grade EVA.
Main use: used for EVA photovoltaic film to improve the adhesion after aging, especially the pass rate of PCT aging test, reduce monomer residue, and improve the packaging yield rate.
Silicon content: 2-2.5wt%, Recommended use: (EVA film)
EVA: 85-90%
Silane: can be added as little as 0.2% without adding R2120.
R1120: 10-15%
Acrylate cross-linking agent: keep the same amount as when R2120 is not used.
Peroxide cross-linking agent: a small amount, keep the same amount as when R2120 is not used.



2. RM211A is an amino-acid-resistant additive for EVA.
Uso principal: se utiliza para la película fotovoltaica de EVA para mejorar las propiedades antienvejecimiento y antiacidificación de la película de EVA en condiciones de alta humedad y humedad.
Recommended use: (EVA film)
EVA: 85-90%
Silane: can be added as little as 0.2% without R2120.
R1120: 5-10%
RM211A: about 5%
Acrylate cross-linking agent: keep the same amount as when R2120 and RM211A were not used.
Peroxide cross-linking agent: a small amount, keep the same amount as when R2120 and RM211A were not used.


3. RM210A is an inorganic EVA anti-acidification masterbatch.
Advantages: low addition amount and high efficiency, easy to disperse, and little effect on transmittance. The recommended addition amount is 0.5-2%.

4. RM208 is an organic anti-acidification masterbatch. Compared with inorganic types, it has no effect on light transmittance. It can also capture cations while preventing acid, and has a certain anti-PID effect. The recommended addition amount is 1-3%.



5. R2320 is an epoxy functionalized EVA anti-PID additive, and the recommended addition amount is 2-5%.
It is best to use a combination solution:
1-RM210A: 1% + R2320: 4%.
2-RM208: 2% + R2320: 3%.

Make contact with us

If you would want professional advice and services regarding anti-aging additives for photovoltaic films or associated items, please get in touch with our knowledgeable staff.

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