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¿Sabe qué se modifica con la modificación plástica?

What kind of alteration is it?

Through physical, chemical, mechanical, and other methods, as well as filling, blending, reinforcement, and other processing techniques, it is possible to improve the performance or functions of plastics as well as their strength, impact resistance, and flame retardancy. Plastics are now appropriate for a variety of challenging environmental circumstances, including those involving electrical, magnetic, optical, thermal, and other situations. Mechanical qualities like hardness and toughness have been continually enhanced.

The extent to which modification technology is used

It is widely utilized in the raw materials and molding process of practically all plastic goods, ranging from the manufacturing of raw resin to the creation of  modified plastic masterbatches  of various specifications and types.

For instance, the look of plastic, its transparency, density, accuracy, processability, mechanical, chemical, and electromagnetic characteristics; its resistance to corrosion, aging, and wear; its hardness; its thermal properties; its flame retardancy; its barrier qualities; etc. Plastic modification technology is vital to lowering the price of plastic goods, enhancing their functionality, and improving performance.

High Flowaility Toughner For PA,PPE;Adhesion

Common techniques for modification

1. Filling amendment

Ordinary plastics can have their stiffness, hardness, heat resistance, and other qualities increased by adding inorganic mineral (organic) powder. Fillers come in a wide variety and have quite complicated features.

The purpose of plastic fillers is to enhance the physical and chemical qualities of plastics, increase volume, and lower prices.

Standards for plastic additives:

(1) Chemical characteristics are inert, inactive, and do not react negatively with resins or other additives;

(2) Has no impact on a plastic's ability to withstand heat, chemicals, weather, and other stresses;

(3) Don't compromise the polymers' inherent physical qualities;

(4) Has a great capacity for filling;

(5) The product's density is not significantly affected by the relative density, which is modest;

(6) The cost is affordable.

2. Strengthened alteration

By using fibrous materials like glass fiber and carbon fiber, reinforcement measures are taken.

Effect of reinforcement: The material's stiffness, strength, hardness, and heat resistance can all be markedly improved.

However, many materials might result in a poor surface and decreased elongation at break.

Enhancement tenet:

(1) The reinforced material has a high modulus of elasticity and strength;

(2) Resin has numerous good physical, chemical (corrosion resistance, insulation, radiation resistance, instantaneous high temperature ablation resistance, etc.), and processing features that are inherent to it;

(3) The resin may bond and transfer load to the reinforcing material when it is coupled with the reinforcing material, improving the mechanical or other qualities of the resin. This results in the reinforced plastic having outstanding performance.

3. a more stringent adjustment

There are various materials that are either too brittle or not robust enough. By using tougher materials or extremely fine inorganic materials, you can improve the material's toughness and low-temperature performance.

Toughener: An ingredient added to the resin to increase the plastic's impact strength and elongation while lowering its brittleness after hardening.

Frequently used tougheners, primarily grafted compatibilizers of maleic anhydride:

EVA is an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer.

POE, or Polyolefin Elastomer

CPE, or chlorinated polyethylene

ABC copolymer (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene)

SBS, short for Styrene-Butadiene Thermoplastic Elastomer

(EPDM) Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer

4. Flame-resistant alterations

Materials must be flame retardant in many businesses, including those that manufacture electrical products and vehicles, however many plastic raw materials have poor flame retardancy. Flame retardants can be used to increase flame resistance.

Functional additives that give flammable polymers flame retardancy are known as flame retardants. The majority of them are composed of elements from the VA (phosphorus), VIIA (bromine, chlorine), and IIIA (antimony, aluminum) group of elements.

In addition to being flame retardants, molybdenum compounds, tin compounds, and iron compounds that have smoke-suppression properties are mostly appropriate for plastics that need flame retardancy to delay or prevent burning of plastics, particularly polymer plastics. It takes longer to light, ignites self-extinguishing, and is challenging to ignite.

Grade of flame-retardant plastic:

Step by step, from HB, V-2, V-1, V-0, 5VB to 5VA.

5. Changes to weather resistance

It often relates to the polymers' ability to withstand cold temperatures. Plastics are fragile at low temperatures because of their innate low-temperature brittleness. Cold resistance is thus typically needed for many plastic items utilized in low temperature situations.

Weather resistance is a term used to describe a group of aging events that occur to plastic items over time as a result of exposure to sunshine, temperature fluctuations, wind, rain, and other environmental factors. These aging phenomena include fading, discoloration, cracking, pulverization, and strength decrease. One of the main causes of plastics aging is UV exposure.

6. Adapted metal

To prepare two or more materials into a new material with high performance, functionality, and specialization—either to merge two materials or to increase the performance of one—we utilize physical blending, chemical grafting, and copolymerization techniques. the function of material characteristics. It lowers expenses while enhancing or improving the performance of current polymers.

PVC, PE, PP, and PS alloys are only a few examples of general-purpose plastic alloys, and production technology for them has usually advanced.

Engineering plastic alloys are blends of engineering plastics (resins), mostly based on engineering plastics like PC, PBT, PA, POM (polyoxymethylene), PPO, PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene), and materials modified with ABS resin.

PC/ABS alloy production is increasing at a pace of roughly 10% annually, one of the highest growth rates in the plastics industry. Currently, polymer alloy research is focusing a lot of attention on PC/ABS alloying.

The major classes of modified plastics

Principal subcategories, customer demographics, and market uses for modified plastics.

1 resin that resists flames

Products made of flame-resistant plastic can significantly lower the danger of fire in the case of overloading, floods, overloading, etc.

2 Toughened and reinforced resins

mainly separated into glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics, toughened and weather-resistant PP special materials, and other items.

(1) Weather-resistant and toughened PP special material: This innovative polypropylene material has the qualities of an engineering plastic. It benefits from high stiffness, minimal molding shrinkage, superior low-temperature toughness, and great weather resistance. It is mostly utilized in outdoor settings where it must be weather- and UV-resistant. Companies that manufacture appliances for the home and car parts are its two primary consumer categories.

(2) Glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics: These goods typically comprise glass fiber reinforced AS/ABS, glass fiber reinforced PP, glass fiber reinforced nylon, glass fiber reinforced PBT/PET, glass fiber reinforced PC, and glass fiber reinforced PPE/PPS, among others. Computer accessory firms, machinery component companies, electric tool companies, lighting companies, etc. are some of its primary customer groups.

3.triple plastic alloys

The three primary categories are polyester alloy, PVC alloy, and PC alloy.

High impact strength, creep resistance, heat resistance, low water absorption, non-toxic, good dielectric properties, etc. are all characteristics of PC alloy products.

Applications for PC alloy include power tool cases, cellular phones, computer and office automation equipment, instrument panels for automobiles, and more.

PVC/ABS alloy

 This material is created using PVC and ABS as the matrix with a variety of additives, including lubricants, flame retardants, stabilizers, and toughening agents.

Advantages in terms of performance include outstanding cost performance, weather resistance, processing rheological qualities, good product surface gloss, and excellent injection molding and extrusion effects.

Application range: Used in household appliance casings, electrical switches, electric meter casings, lighting materials, communication networks, construction materials, etc., it may replace flame-retardant and weather-resistant ABS, PC, etc.

Polyester alloy: It has outstanding dimensional stability, chemical resistance, and environmental stress cracking resistance. It also has high mechanical qualities (fatigue resistance). Automobiles, household appliances, electric tools, and other sectors are among its application areas.

4. working masterbatches

High impact polystyrene toughened flame retardant color masterbatch is primarily meant.

Functional color masterbatches have properties that can lower manufacturing costs while also enhancing product quality.

(1) Comply with the UL94, IEC-65, and GB8898 flame retardant standards for electrical and electronic goods;

(2) Increase the HIPS resin's hardness, processing fluidity, and releasing characteristic;

(3) HIPS resin should be colored.

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