Productos, gamas y familias de productos de Coace
Empresa de alta tecnología que integra I+D, producción y venta de materiales poliméricos, especializada en I+D, producción, venta y servicio de compatibilizadores y endurecedores de plásticos.
MAH grafted PP has significant promise for enhancing PP’s adherence to other polymers. Because of its reactive maleic anhydride groups, it can generate solid interfacial bonds that improve compatibility and adhesion.
Graphene, glass fiber, carbon nanotubes, nanoclay, and MAH grafted PP all show high compatibility with each other as fillers and reinforcements.
El PP injertado con MAH difiere del PP estándar en varios aspectos importantes. Es un material versátil para muchos sectores gracias a su mayor adherencia, compatibilidad, resistencia al impacto, estabilidad térmica e ignifugación.
Maleic anhydride units are chemically linked to a polymer backbone in maleic anhydride grafted polymers, often referred to as maleic anhydride modified polymers.
Compared to other polymer types, maleic anhydride grafted polymers have a number of distinguishing benefits, including better adherence, higher compatibility, increased functionality, and adaptability in use.
MAH grafting is a useful method for enhancing PP’s compatibility with other materials. The PP backbone can be given polar maleic anhydride functional groups to encourage chemical bonding, intermolecular interactions, and better dispersion with a variety of materials.
Due to its increased compatibility, higher mechanical attributes, and increased adaptability, MAH grafted PP has a wide range of industrial applications.
MAH grafted PP offers a variety of advantages in polymer applications, from improved mechanical qualities and increased compatibility to broader application options and cost-effectiveness.
La promoción de la adhesión entre polímeros incompatibles depende en gran medida de los compatibilizadores de polipropileno, que mejoran la adhesión y las cualidades generales del material de diversos polímeros al aumentar su compatibilidad de diversas maneras.