Welche Rolle spielen die Anti-Säure-Zusatzstoffe für Photovoltaik-Verkapselungen beim Schutz von Solarmodulen vor sauren Umgebungen?

Significant technological, material, and process breakthroughs have been made in the photovoltaic (PV) industry in recent years. These advancements have been made with the intention of enhancing the efficiency and durability of solar modules. Encapsulants are one of the many components that make up solar modules. They play a significant part in protecting photovoltaic cells from the effects of external stressors, which ultimately results in an increase in the modules’ total lifespan and performance. Particularly important for protecting solar modules from the corrosive effects of acidic environments are the anti-acid additives that are included in photovoltaic encapsulants. The relevance of these additives, as well as their modes of action and the benefits they provide from a variety of perspectives, are investigated in depth in this article concerning their role.


Regarding the Importance of Solar Modules Being Protected

There are many different environmental conditions that solar modules are subjected to, including as ultraviolet (UV) radiation, moisture, temperature variations, and pollution. The integrity of solar modules is significantly jeopardized by the presence of acidic environments, which can be more widespread in industrial locations, regions with high levels of pollution, or areas that are located in close proximity to coastal areas. It is possible for acidic pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NO2), to cause the production of acidic rain or deposit on the surfaces of the module, which in turn causes corrosion and deterioration of the components that make up the encapsulant. As a result of this deterioration, the protective activities of the encapsulants may be compromised, which has the potential to result in decreased efficiency and a shorter lifespan for the solar modules.

Encapsulants play an important role in solar modules

The photovoltaic cells that are included within a solar module are encapsulated by encapsulants, which are polymeric polymers. Encapsulants offer electrical insulation, mechanical support, and protection against environmental elements. Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA), Polyolefin Elastomer (POE), and Ethylene Propylene Elastomer (EPE) are all examples of materials that are frequently used as encapsulants. The superior adhesive capabilities, transparency, and durability of these materials led to their selection as the materials of choice. However, these materials are susceptible to deterioration when they are subjected to acidic conditions; hence, the utilization of anti-acid additives is required in order to improve their resistance.

The Workings of Anti-Acid Additives Mechanisms

Anti-acid additives in photovoltaic encapsulants defend against acid-induced deterioration through a number of different processes, including the following:

Anti-acid additives have the ability to neutralize acidic chemicals that come into contact with the encapsulant. This process is known as chemical neutralization. The neutralization process involves chemical processes that turn hazardous acids into innocuous salts and water. This prevents the acids from damaging the encapsulant material, which is the reason why the process is called neutralization.

Barrier Formation: Certain anti-acid additives improve the encapsulant’s capacity to build a protective barrier that prevents acidic substances from penetrating the encapsulant. The presence of this barrier, which can be either physical or chemical in nature, presents an additional line of defense against toxins in the environment.


Increasing Resistance to Chemical interactions with Acidic substances

Anti-acid additives have the ability to maintain the polymer matrix of the encapsulant, hence increasing its resistance to chemical interactions with acidic substances. It is common practice to cross-link or reinforce the polymer chains as part of this stabilization process, which ultimately results in an increase in the material’s overall strength.

The process of removing acidic compounds from the area of the encapsulant and minimizing the likelihood that they may cause harm is referred to as scavenging. Certain anti-acid additives perform the function of scavengers, which are substances that actively seek out and bind with acidic compounds.

Several Advantages of Including Anti-Acid Components in Photovoltaic Encapsulants

Incorporating anti-acid additives into photovoltaic encapsulants provides a number of important advantages that contribute to the protection and longevity of solar modules. These advantages include the following:

Extended Module Lifespan: Anti-acid additives assist maintain the integrity of the encapsulant material, which in turn helps to increase the operational life of solar modules. This is accomplished by preventing acid-induced deterioration. This leads to lower costs associated with maintenance as well as a reduction in the frequency of module replacements.

Improved Performance Reliability

Solar modules that are protected by anti-acid additives have a greater likelihood of performing reliably over the course of their intended lifespan. This ensures that solar installations produce a consistent amount of electricity and provide a better return on investment.

Anti-acid additives improve the encapsulant’s resistance to a wide variety of environmental stressors, such as acidic pollution, moisture, and ultraviolet radiation. This contributes to the encapsulant’s enhanced environmental resistance. Through the utilization of this multimodal protection, the modules are guaranteed to be able to survive difficult operating circumstances.

Advantages to the Economy

The utilization of anti-acid additives has the potential to result in major economic advantages by lowering the expenses that are related with the degradation, maintenance, and replacement of different modules. Additionally, this is of utmost significance for large-scale solar installations, where the dependability of modules is essential to the economic feasibility of the project.

Solar modules that use anti-acid additives are better able to achieve strict industry standards and certifications related to durability and environmental resistance. This is because these modules are created with the intention of complying with industry standards. In order to achieve market acceptance and consumer confidence, this compliance is absolutely necessary.


Applications drawn from the real world and case studies

The usefulness of anti-acid additives in solar encapsulants has been demonstrated by a large number of case studies and applications in the real world. For example, solar installations in industrial locations that have high levels of acidic pollution have shown considerable improvements in both their endurance and performance when they are supplied with encapsulants that contain anti-acid additives. When compared to modules that do not contain such chemicals, these installations exhibit fewer indicators of yellowing, delamination, and power loss.

Furthermore, research and development efforts are continuously being made to innovate and optimize the formulations of anti-acid additives in order to improve the effectiveness of these additives. In the realm of solar module durability, advancements in materials science are leading to the development of novel additives that provide even higher levels of protection and stability, thereby pushing the boundaries of what is considered possible.

Abschließende Überlegungen

To summarize, anti-acid additives in photovoltaic encapsulants play a significant part in the process of shielding solar modules from the corrosive effects that are caused by acidic conditions. The longevity and performance reliability of solar modules are considerably improved by these additions. These additives accomplish this through methods such as chemical neutralization, barrier creation, stabilization of the polymer matrix, and scavenging of acidic chemicals. An prolonged module lifespan, higher performance reliability, enhanced environmental resistance, economic advantages, and compliance with industry requirements are some of the benefits that can be gained from integrating anti-acid additives. When it comes to guaranteeing the long-term profitability and sustainability of solar energy systems, the development and deployment of effective anti-acid additives will continue to be an essential aspect. This is because the photovoltaic sector is always evolving.



Coace’s RM208 is an organic anti-acidification masterbatch. Compared with the inorganic type, it has no effect on light transmittance. It is anti-acid and can also capture cations, and has a certain anti-PID effect.





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