Wie hoch ist die zu erwartende Lebensdauer von EPE-Folien für Photovoltaikanlagen und wie sieht es im Vergleich zu anderen Materialien für Solarpaneele aus?

Conventional silicon solar panels are renowned for their strength and lifespan. These include monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels. The 20–25 year warranties that silicon panels often come with are a good indication of how long they should last. Nevertheless, research indicates that silicon panels, with annual deterioration rates of about 0.5%, can persist long into their guarantee duration. This suggests that silicon panels may continue to function well for up to thirty years.

When assessing solar panels’ long-term feasibility and return on investment, its lifespan is a crucial factor to take into account. Expanded polyethylene (PPE) film for solar panels has become a popular lightweight and flexible substitute for conventional solar panel materials. The purpose of this article is to present a thorough examination of photovoltaic EPE film’s anticipated lifespan and to contrast it with other materials that are often used in solar panels.


How long do conventional silicon solar panels last?

Conventional silicon solar panels are renowned for their strength and lifespan. These include monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels. The 20–25 year warranties that silicon panels often come with are a good indication of how long they should last. Nevertheless, research indicates that silicon panels, with annual deterioration rates of about 0.5%, can persist long into their guarantee duration. This suggests that silicon panels may continue to function well for up to thirty years.

Duration of Solar Energy Polymer Film

Research and development on the anticipated lifetime of photovoltaic EPE film is still under progress. Most producers of EPE film currently provide warranties that last between 10 and 15 years. It’s crucial to remember that these guarantees could not fully represent the EPE film’s operating lifespan and instead mainly cover manufacturing flaws.

According to research, photovoltaic EPE film may be able to last as long as or longer than conventional silicon solar panels with the right installation, upkeep, and environmental factors. After ten years of usage, EPE film can keep more than 80% of its original efficiency, according to certain tests. More field research and long-term durability tests are required to offer more precise estimates of EPE film’s operating lifespan.


Variables Impacting Lifespan

The longevity of photovoltaic EPE film and conventional silicon panels is influenced by many factors:

a. Material deterioration: Over time, UV exposure, temperature changes, moisture, and environmental pollutants can all cause material deterioration in silicon panels and EPE film. These degradation factors can be reduced with the right encapsulation and protecting layers.

b. Environmental Factors: The lifespan of solar panels is greatly influenced by the location and climate of the area. Panels placed in areas subjected to severe weather—such as high humidity, low temperatures, or a lot of precipitation—may deteriorate more quickly than panels placed in more temperate climates.

b. Maintenance and Upkeep: To extend the life of solar panels, routine cleaning, maintenance, and inspection are necessary. Adherence to appropriate maintenance protocols, such as keeping an eye out for any problems, inspecting electrical connections, and clearing debris, can assist minimize performance deterioration and increase the panels’ lifespan.


Vergleichende Bewertung

It’s crucial to take into account the unique qualities of photovoltaic EPE film while evaluating its anticipated lifespan in relation to alternative solar panel materials.

Conventional Silicon Panels: As previously noted, these panels have guarantees of 20 to 25 years and have the potential to last up to 30 years in operation. The lifespan of these panels is supported by a wealth of field data and a well-established track record.

b. Thin-Film Technologies: The anticipated lifespans of thin-film solar panel technologies, such as copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) and cadmium telluride (CdTe), are comparable to or somewhat shorter than those of conventional silicon panels. Generally speaking, warranties for thin-film technologies vary from 10 to 25 years, contingent upon the manufacturer and particular materials employed.

c. EPE Film: Photovoltaic EPE film has great potential for a lifespan equivalent to conventional silicon panels, although now providing guarantees ranging from 10 to 15 years. The goal of ongoing developments in encapsulation methods, materials, and testing procedures is to enhance the long-term performance and robustness of EPE film.


In conclusion, research and development are currently being done to further understand and improve the anticipated lifespan of photovoltaic EPE film. Although the warranties for EPE film now range from 10 to 15 years, it has the capacity to meet or beyond the operating longevity of silicon solar panels made of standard materials. The climate, appropriate maintenance techniques, and material deterioration all have a big impact on how long silicon panels and EPE film last. Long-term field research and ongoing improvements in EPE film technology will yield more precise estimates of its operating lifetime.

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