Was ist Maleinsäureanhydrid-gepfropftes Polypropylen?

Because of its special qualities and broad variety of uses, Maleinsäureanhydrid-gepfropftes Polypropylen (MAPP) is a flexible polymer additive attracting great interest in the plastics and polymer sector. This paper explores the synthesis, characteristics, and uses of MAPP, therefore giving readers a whole knowledge of this important resource.

Often used thermoplastic polymer with lightweight, chemical resistance and simplicity of processing is polypropylene (PP). Its non-polar character and limited compatibility with other polar polymers or fillers can, however, limit its use in some uses. Maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene has been created as a solution to increase the interfacial adhesion and compatibility of PP with different materials.

Maleic Anhydride Grafted Polypropylene Synopsis

MAPP is generated by grafting maleic anhydride (MAH) onto the polypropylene backbone. Usually in the presence of a peroxide initiator, this process consists in the reaction of polypropylene with maleic anhydride producing free radicals on the PP chains. These radicals link covalently with MAH, therefore connecting the MAH to the PP.


Chemical Property and Structure

Maleic anhydride’s grafting adds functional groups running along the polypropylene chains. Highly reactive and capable of participation in several chemical processes including esterification, amidation, and grafting onto other polymers are these anhydride groups. These functional groups profoundly change the characteristics of the base polypropylene, including:

The polar character of the anhydride groups increases the adhesion between PP and other materials.
MAPP bridges PP and other polar polymers or fillers to improve dispersion and interfacial bonding.
Reactive sites: Further chemical modification or cross-linking finds places in the anhydride groups.


Applications of MAPP

Coatings, inks, and adhesives all use MAPP as an adhesion promoter to strengthen the binding between polypropylene substrates and the applied materials.

Corrective Agent

MAPP is a compatibilizer in polymer blends, therefore improving the compatibility and dispersion of immiscible polymers and hence mechanical characteristics and processability.


MAPP can increase the impact resistance and toughness of polypropylene and its combinations with other polymers as an impact modifying agent.

Agent of Flame Retardance

Reacting with flame retardants, the anhydride groups in MAPP can enhance their dispersion and efficacy in polypropylene compounds.

Reactive Modifier MAPP can be further reacted with other monomers or oligmers to generate copolymers or block polymers with customised properties for particular uses.

Fills Treatment

MAPP is applied to treat fillers such glass fibres, calcium carbonate, or talc in composite materials thereby enhancing their dispersion and binding with the PP matrix.

Technical Issues

Using MAPP requires one to take into account elements including the type of polypropylene utilised, which might impact the final qualities of the changed material, and the degree of reactivity and compatibility, which determines the degree of influence.

Problems and Fixing Strategies

Uniformity of dispersion

For best performance, MAPP must be uniformly dispersed in polypropylene. Correct compounding methods and tools will help to solve this.

Reactive Harmony

Achieving required qualities depends mostly on MAPP being compatible with the particular polypropylene grade and other additives in the mix.

Processing Guide: Parameters

Effective integration and dispersion of MAPP in the polymer matrix depend on the optimisation of processing parameters including temperature and shear rate.

Some summary of coace

One useful polymer addition that greatly increases the polypropylene application range is maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene. From automotive and electronics to packaging and construction, its capacity to raise adhesion, compatibility, and impact resistance makes it a necessary part in many different sectors. Polymer scientists, engineers, and technicians wishing to create novel materials and products must first understand the synthesis, characteristics, and uses of MAPP.


Coace® B1F is a high grafting rate maleic anhydride modified polypropylene Compatibilizers, characterized by its ultra-high fluidity, serving as an effective coupling agent for polypropylene-based compounds to enhance the adhesion between infill materials and the polymer matrix, and as a compatibilizer to improve the compatibility between polyamide and polypropylene.


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