Was ist ein Copolymer-Modifikator, der als Kompatibilitätsmittel in PA verwendet wird?


A class of engineering thermoplastics called polyamides (PA) are renowned for their high levels of toughness, temperature resistance, and mechanical strength. However, their adaptability is constrained and their performance is impacted by the compatibility concerns with reinforcements, fillers, and other polymers. Copolymer modifiers are employed in PA as compatibilizers to get around these problems.


A type of polymer additive called a copolymer modifier is used in PA as a compatibilizer to make PA more compatible with other polymers including polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), and ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA). It is a multipurpose substance that acts as a processing aid, coupling agent, and performance booster.


Die copolymer modifier employed as a compatibilizer in PA has a number of properties that make it a useful remedy for blends and composites made of PA. First off, it has a specific chemical structure that enables it to interact with both non-polar and polar groups in other polymers as well as polar groups in PA. Second, its low molecular weight and low viscosity make it easier for the filler particles and other components to be distributed throughout. Thirdly, it has excellent processing conditions due to its strong thermal stability, which prevents degradation.


The copolymer modifier used in PA as a compatibilizer has a number of benefits that make it a desirable alternative for a variety of applications. It improves mechanical characteristics including tensile strength, modulus, and impact resistance first. By lowering the coefficient of thermal expansion and water absorption, it also enhances the thermal and dimensional stability. Thirdly, it encourages the bonding and adhesion of various polymers to surfaces. Fourthly, by maximizing the processability and reducing waste, it lowers the processing and manufacturing costs. Finally, it opens up new possibilities for the creation of novel, environmentally friendly materials with the needed qualities.


The copolymer modifier employed in PA as a compatibilizer has several uses in a variety of sectors, including the automotive, aerospace, packaging, and consumer products industries. It can be used to make injection-molded components, electrical connectors, cable insulation, films, and fibers. Additionally, it can be used to recycle PA-based materials and enhance their performance and compatibility.

copolymer modifier employed as a compatibilizer in PA

Purchase factors

Buyers should take into account a number of elements when purchasing copolymer modifier used as a compatibilizer in PA, including the product specifications, the supplier’s reputation, the technical assistance, and the cost-effectiveness. Chemical make-up, molecular weight, melting point, compatibility range, and application suggestions should all be listed in the product specifications. The reputation of the provider should take into account the environmental sustainability, delivery timeliness, and quality control. The consultation, testing, troubleshooting, and training services should all be part of the technical support. Cost-effectiveness should take into account the product performance, price competitiveness, and total value offer.

For more than ten years, Coace has been adhering to the business philosophy of “stable quality, refinement and globalization”, serving the market, he factory owns 50,000 square-meter area and nearly 100 employees, including 20 technical R&D personnel, and is equipped with eight modern extruding-pellets systems production lines, which ensure the annual capacity of ten thousand metric tons. The products cover compatibilizers, coupling agents, impact modifiers, and other functional additives. and obtained ISO9001 quality management certification, with an annual production capacity of 20,000 tons.

Up to now, ten patents of various types have been obtained.Ultra-low temperature tougheners, polyester compatibilizers, and alloy compatibilizers are widely recognized in major markets such as East Asia and the European Union. Such as China General Nuclear Power Group, Meixin Plastic Industry Group, Taiwan Heyang, Turkey ZIRVE Company, South Korea KOCH Company, etc. The products are exported to more than a dozen countries in Europe, America and Southeast Asia.


Using a copolymer modifier as a compatibilizer in PA is a creative and adaptable way to improve the performance and compatibility of PA-based goods. It allows for the creation of new and enhanced materials that may satisfy the expanding need for cutting-edge and sustainable solutions by enhancing the mechanical, thermal, and processing characteristics. To get the greatest outcomes when acquiring this product, customers should take into account the product specs, supplier reputation, technical assistance, and cost-effectiveness.Coace is your best choice!

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