Welche Nachhaltigkeitsvorteile bietet die Verwendung von coextrudierten Hochbarrierefolien in Verpackungsanwendungen?

During the past few years, the worldwide packaging sector has been going through a paradigm change toward more environmentally friendly businesses practices. As people become more concerned about the influence they have on the environment, there is a growing need for packaging materials that offer greater performance in terms of durability and sustainability. In this regard, high barrier coextruded film is one of the materials that has garnered a considerable amount of attention. This article will examine the numerous sustainability benefits of using high barrier coextruded film in packaging applications from a variety of perspectives. We will also take into consideration the developments in the industry and emphasize the advantages that this material has over traditional packaging materials.

Reduced Consumption of Contents

When compared to conventional packaging materials, high barrier coextruded film has superior barrier qualities, which enables a reduction in the amount of material that is used. The capability of the film to inhibit the transmission of light, gas, and moisture significantly decreases the requirement for additional layers or coatings, which ultimately results in packaging that is both thinner and lighter. Because of this reduction in material utilization, the amount of resources consumed and the amount of trash generated during the package lifecycle are both reduced.

Reduction in food waste and an extension of the shelf life

The increased barrier qualities of high barrier coextruded film are a key contributor to the lengthening of the shelf life of the product. The film helps to maintain the quality and freshness of perishable commodities, such as food and pharmaceutical products, by reducing the amount of oxygen and moisture that is allowed to enter during the packaging process. Because of this increased shelf life, there is a lower chance that the food would go bad before its time. Additionally, it is possible to have longer distribution cycles, which leads to less food being wasted and enhanced sustainability.


When it comes to transportation, energy efficiency

During shipping, the lightweight nature of high barrier coextruded film gives extra benefits to the environment in terms of sustainability. The decreased weight of the film causes a reduction in the amount of energy that is consumed and the emissions of greenhouse gases that are linked with transportation. This is in comparison to typical packaging materials such as glass or metal. This facet is in line with the industry’s emphasis on maximizing the effectiveness of supply chain operations and minimizing the impact of carbon emissions.

Recycling and the concept of a circular economy

It is possible to produce high barrier coextruded film that is recyclable, which would make it possible for it to be incorporated into the circular economy. These films may now be recovered and processed more efficiently thanks to the advancements that have been made in recycling technologies. Packaging producers have the ability to contribute to a waste management system that is more sustainable and lower the demand for virgin resources by selecting recyclable high barrier coextruded film.

Reduced Risks of Food Contamination and Protection against harm

It is possible to prevent contaminants from the outside world from infiltrating packed goods by using high barrier coextruded film, which has higher barrier qualities. It is especially important to pay attention to this particular feature while dealing with sensitive products like drugs and food items. Enhancing product safety and reducing the chance of product recalls or wastage due to impaired quality are both outcomes that can be achieved by the utilization of the film, which decreases the danger of contamination.


Flexibility in design and versatility in design

There is a wide variety of customisation choices available for high barrier coextruded film, which includes a variety of thicknesses, barrier levels, and surface qualities. Packaging designers are able to optimize the performance of the packaging and reduce the amount of material waste because to the versatility of the film, which allows them to adjust the film to specific product requirements. Furthermore, the adaptability of the film makes it possible to create a variety of novel package designs that improve the attraction of the product to consumers while still meeting the aims of sustainability.


Die Verwendung von hochbarrierefähige coextrudierte Folie in packaging applications has considerable benefits for the environment, and these benefits are in line with the industry’s emphasis on circular economy concepts and sustainability. This cutting-edge packaging material offers a variety of benefits over conventional options, including lower material usage and an extended shelf life, energy economy in transportation, and the possibility to be recycled. Packaging producers have the ability to meet the demands of consumers for high-quality and environmentally responsible packaging solutions by adopting high barrier coextruded film. This allows them to contribute to a more sustainable future.

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