Was ist bei der Verarbeitung von Zähigkeitsmitteln in technischen Kunststoffen zu beachten?


Engineering plastics frequently contain toughening compounds to improve their mechanical characteristics, especially impact resistance. To guarantee the best dispersion, compatibility, and performance of the final composite material, considerable thought must be given to the use of these agents. We’ll go over the crucial processing factors to take into account when adding toughening agents to engineering plastics. The first factor to take into account is choosing the best toughening agent for the particular engineering plastic and application. The processing behavior and ultimate qualities of the composite material depend on the toughening agent used, such as elastomers, rubber particles, or fibers. It is essential to comprehend the engineering plastic’s properties, requirements, and desired performance objectives before choosing a compatible toughening agent.  

Mischen und Dispergieren

For the toughening agent to have homogeneous dispersion throughout the polymer matrix and to produce consistent characteristics throughout the composite material. To achieve extensive dispersion of the toughening ingredient, appropriate mixing methods such as melt compounding, solution blending, or masterbatch preparation should be used. To promote proper dispersion and avoid agglomeration or phase separation, it is required to optimize mixing parameters including temperature, shear rate, and mixing time.


The integration of toughening chemicals depends heavily on the processing temperature. It has an impact on the toughening agent’s activation and compatibility as well as the polymer matrix’s melt viscosity. Finding the right processing temperature range is essential to ensuring that the toughening agent is effectively dispersed without compromising the integrity of the polymer matrix or the toughening agent itself.  

Processing Techniques

The type of toughening agent, the polymer matrix, and the required qualities of the finished composite material all have a role in the choice of processing technique. Extrusion, injection molding, compression molding, and solvent casting are examples of typical processing techniques. Regarding dispersion effectiveness, manufacturing pace, and the intricacy of the part geometry, each approach has advantages and disadvantages. To get the necessary dispersion and overall performance, the best processing technique must be chosen.

Pre-Mixing and Compounding

In some circumstances, employing a masterbatch or pre-blending the toughening agent and polymer matrix can streamline the processes and enhance dispersion. To ensure effective and homogenous blending of the toughening agent with the polymer matrix, compounding procedures like twin-screw extrusion or internal mixers can be used. The use of pre-mixing and compounding techniques lowers the possibility of agglomeration or phase separation during future processing steps and helps to ensure uniform dispersion.


For applications where the engineering plastic is exposed to high temperatures, the toughening agent’s thermal stability is an important consideration. At high temperatures, some toughening agents may experience phase separation or degradation, which would reduce the material’s ability to withstand impacts. To guarantee long-term performance and dependability, it is crucial to assess the toughening agent’s thermal stability and compatibility with the application’s working temperature range.


Choosing a material frequently involves taking cost into account. The cost of producing and incorporating different toughening agents into engineering polymers varies. It’s critical to evaluate the toughening agent’s cost-effectiveness in proportion to the required improvement in impact resistance and overall performance criteria. The best toughening agent for a given application should be chosen by weighing the costs versus the desired advantages. Considerations for cost, compatibility with the polymer matrix, impact resistance improvement, impact on other mechanical properties, processing compatibility, temperature stability, and cost are all important when choosing the right toughening agent for engineering plastics. Engineers can make well-informed judgments that optimize impact resistance and overall performance by weighing these elements in conjunction with the unique application requirements. Engineers can increase the dependability and durability of engineering plastics and increase the range of industries in which they can be used by choosing the correct toughening agent.    
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