Welche Mechanismen stehen hinter den Kompatibilitäts- und Bindungseffekten von mit Maleinsäureanhydrid funktionalisierten Additiven in Polymermatrizen?


Due to its capacity to improve compatibility and bonding within polymer matrices, functionalized additives based on maleic anhydride have attracted substantial attention in the field of polymer science. The mechanisms that contribute to the compatibility and bonding effects of various additives are thoroughly explored in this article, illuminating the underlying molecular pathways.

Bonding Mechanisms in Chemistry

Chemical bonding methods used by functionalized maleic anhydride additives to promote compatibility and bonding include:
Covalent Bonding: Covalent bonds are created when reactive maleic anhydride groups on the additive react with functional groups in the polymer matrix. The compatibility and intermolecular adhesion between the additive and the polymer matrix are improved by the strong interfacial connection that is provided by this chemical interaction.
b. Crosslinking: Functionalized additives containing maleic anhydride can function as crosslinking agents, forming a three-dimensional network inside the matrix of the polymer. By boosting intermolecular connections and decreasing chain mobility, this crosslinking enhances the mechanical qualities, such as tensile strength and impact resistance.
Reactive blending is possible by combining additives functionalized with maleic anhydride with the polymer matrix. Maleic anhydride groups interact with functional groups on polymer chain during processing, resulting in grafting or copolymerization. As a result, the mix becomes more uniform and has better compatibility and bonding.

Enhancing Interfacial Adhesion

The following methods explain how functionalized maleic anhydride additives improve interfacial adhesion between the additive and the polymer matrix:
Maleic anhydride functional groups have a high chemical affinity for a number of different polymer matrices. They may react with the polymer chains’ functional groups, such as the hydroxyl, amine, or carboxyl groups. Intermolecular interactions and interfacial adhesion are encouraged by this chemical affinity.
b. Interfacial Compatibilization: Functionalized additives containing maleic anhydride work as compatibilizers, lowering the interfacial tension between components of immiscible or incompatible polymers. In doing so, they produce a reactive interphase that improves interfacial adhesion and lessens phase separation as they move to the interface.
Interdiffusion is made easier by the functionalized maleic anhydride additives between the additive and the polymer matrix. This molecular-level diffusion enables close contact and chain mingling between polymer molecules, enhancing interface adhesion and compatibility.

Modification of Surface Energy

The surface energy of the polymer matrix is altered by additions functionalized with maleic anhydride, resulting in compatibility and bonding effects:
Maleic anhydride functional groups have the ability to raise the surface energy of the polymer matrix. This increase encourages the matrix to moisten and spread out over the additive surface, improving contact and adhesion between the parts.
b. Interfacial Tension is Reduced: The maleic anhydride functional groups ease the friction between the additive and the polymer matrix. This decrease encourages the development of an interfacial layer that is more uniform and minimizes interfacial flaws like voids or debonding.

Chemische Reaktionen

Maleic anhydride functionalized additives interact with molecules in a variety of ways that support compatibility and bonding, including:
Maleic anhydride functional groups, such as hydroxyl or amine groups, can create hydrogen bonds with functional groups on the polymer matrix. These hydrogen bonds boost compatibility and adhesion as well as intermolecular interactions.
Van der Waals interactions, which are attractive forces between non-polar molecules, can occur between the additive and the polymer matrix. These interactions aid in the compatibility of the parts by promoting intermolecular adhesion.


Maleic anhydride functionalized additives have compatibility and bonding effects in polymer matrices that are influenced by a variety of molecular interactions, surface energy changes, and chemical bonding mechanisms. The reactive maleic anhydride functional groups promote chemical bonding, crosslinking, and reactive blending, while chemical affinity, compatibilization, and interdiffusion enhance interfacial adhesion. Bonding and compatibility are further improved via chemical interactions and surface energy modulation. Designing and creating high-performance polymer composites and materials benefits greatly from an understanding of these mechanisms.

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