Was sind einige empfohlene Testmethoden zur Bewertung der Leistung von Nylon-Ultraniedrigtemperatur-Härter?

A polyamide with a reputation for strength and toughness is nylon. It is widely utilized in many industries, including the automotive, electrical, and consumer products industries. The high melting point, chemical resistance, and great thermal stability of nylon are only a few of its benefits. However, by adding tougheners, which increase its toughness and impact resistance, nylon’s performance may be increased. Ultra-low-temperature tougheners are additives that increase nylon’s resilience to low-temperature impact. In this post, we’ll go over some suggested testing procedures for assessing nylon ultra-low-temperature toughener performance.

1.Izod Impact Testing, first

Ein Standardverfahren zur Bewertung der Zugfestigkeit von Materialien, einschließlich Nylon, ist der Izod-Schlagversuch. Bei dieser Prüfung wird die Energie gemessen, die erforderlich ist, um die Probe zu zerbrechen. Wenn ein Pendel mit einer Kerbe auf eine Probe aufschlägt, wird die von der Probe absorbierte Energie bestimmt. Der Stoff wird umso haltbarer, je mehr Energie er absorbiert. Die Kälteschlagzähigkeit von Nylon, das mit Ultra-Tieftemperatur-Zähigkeitsmitteln verstärkt ist, kann bei niedrigeren Temperaturen bewertet werden.

2.Tests for Charpy Impact

Similar to the Izod impact test, the Charpy impact test employs a different specimen shape. This technique calculates the force necessary to cause a notched specimen to break when it is struck by a pendulum. The pendulum strikes the center of the specimen, which is horizontally positioned. It is measured and computed how much energy is absorbed during fracture. Charpy impact testing is a dependable method for determining a material’s toughness at various temperatures.

3.DMA, or dynamic mechanical analysis

The mechanical characteristics of materials, particularly their sensitivity to temperature and frequency variations, are sensitively measured via DMA. This examination analyzes a material’s dynamic mechanical characteristics, such as its modulus, damping, and viscoelastic behavior. Because it may provide details about the material’s behavior at various temperatures and frequencies, DMA is helpful in assessing the performance of nylon ultra-low-temperature tougheners.

4. DSC, or differential scanning calorimetry

DSC is a thermal analysis method that calculates how much heat a sample absorbs or releases as a function of temperature. This technique can reveal details regarding the material’s melting temperature, crystallization, and glass transition. Because DSC can identify any changes in the material’s thermal behavior brought on by the toughener’s addition, it can be used to assess the performance of nylon ultra-low-temperature tougheners.

5. Testing for Tensile

A typical technique for assessing a material’s mechanical attributes is tensile testing. The force necessary to stretch a specimen until it breaks is measured by this test. The tensile strength, modulus, elongation, and yield stress of the material may all be determined by tensile testing. Because it may provide details about the material’s behavior under strain, this approach can be used to assess the effectiveness of nylon ultra-low-temperature tougheners.

6. Flexural Examination

Flexural testing evaluates a material’s stiffness and strength while it is being bent. The amount of force necessary to bend a specimen into a three- or four-point bend is measured. Flexural testing can reveal details regarding a material’s fracture toughness, flexural strength, and flexural modulus. This technique is helpful for assessing the effectiveness of nylon ultra-low-temperature tougheners since it can reveal details about how the material responds to bending stresses.


A material that shows promise for use in a variety of applications that call for strong impact resistance at low temperatures is nylon with ultra-low-temperature tougheners. The testing procedures mentioned above can be used to assess how well these materials function in various scenarios. The mechanical characteristics of nylon with ultra-low-temperature tougheners may be assessed using a variety of techniques, including izod impact testing, charpy impact testing, dma, dsc, tensile testing, and flexural testing. We can better understand the behavior and performance of the material and maximize its use in diverse applications by combining these testing techniques.

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