The difference between photovoltaic grade POE and common type

The POE (Polyolefin Elastomer) utilized in the solar sector comes in two main grades: photovoltaic grade and common type. Despite the fact that both are kinds of POE, they have unique qualities that make them suited for particular applications. The distinctions between common type POE and photovoltaic grade POE, as well as their characteristics and uses, will be discussed in this article. Manufacturers and customers may select the best material for their solar projects by being aware of these distinctions.

1. Introduction to Common Type and Photovoltaic Grade POE

A specialized kind of POE created especially for use in the solar sector is known as photovoltaic grade POE. It is designed to satisfy the special needs of solar panel production, including high levels of weather resistance, UV stability, and durability. Contrarily, common type POE is all-purpose POE that is utilized across several sectors for a variety of purposes. Although it might have certain traits with photovoltaic grade POE, it might not satisfy the exacting standards of the solar sector.

2. Photovoltaic Grade POE Characteristics

Numerous essential characteristics of photovoltaic grade POE make it the perfect material for solar panel applications. It can firstly tolerate harsh temperatures, humidity, and UV exposure without degrading because to its great weather resilience. This guarantees the durability and dependability of solar panels. Additionally, photovoltaic grade POE offers excellent electrical insulating qualities, high thermal stability, and low-temperature flexibility. The effective operation of solar panels under various environmental circumstances depends on these characteristics.

3. Common Type POE’s Common Properties

While common type POE and photovoltaic grade POE may share some characteristics, they may not perform and last as well as needed for solar panel applications. In general-purpose applications where UV stability and weather resistance are not crucial considerations, common type POE is frequently employed. Compared to photovoltaic grade POE, it could have less favorable thermal stability, restricted low-temperature flexibility, and worse electrical insulating qualities. Therefore, when selecting the kind of POE to employ, it is crucial to take into account the unique needs of the desired application.

4.Uses for Photovoltaic Grade POE

Solar panels are primarily made using POE of the photovoltaic grade. It is frequently applied to the front and back surfaces of solar cells as an encapsulant material to shield them from outside influences and improve their performance. Even in adverse external situations, photovoltaic grade POE’s superior weather resistance and UV stability guarantee the lifespan and effectiveness of solar panels. Additionally, it offers strong adherence to a variety of substrates, making it simple to integrate into the production of solar panels.

5. Uses for Standard Type POE

Numerous sectors, including automotive, packing, and construction, use POE of the common variety. As a result of its flexibility, chemical resistance, and simplicity of production, it is frequently employed as a sealing material, gasket, or insulating material. However, as strict performance standards must be reached in the solar business, it might not be appropriate for use there. To establish if common type POE is appropriate for certain applications, it is crucial to engage material suppliers or specialists.

6. Finalization

In conclusion, the characteristics and uses of photovoltaic grade POE and common type POE differ from one another. A particular formulation of POE designed specifically for photovoltaic applications provides high weather resistance, UV stability, and long-term endurance. Common type POE, on the other hand, is a general-purpose material and might not have the same degree of performance and durability required for solar panel applications. Manufacturers and customers may choose the best material for their solar projects with knowledge of these distinctions in mind.


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