Surface Modification Approaches to Enhance Barrier Performance of Multi-Layer Coextruded Films

The use of multi-layer coextruded films is widespread across a variety of industries, including the food packaging industry. In this sector, providing outstanding barrier qualities is essential in order to preserve product quality and increase shelf life. The barrier performance of these films can be effectively improved by the use of surface modification techniques, which offer useful options. The purpose of this article is to provide a detailed investigation of various surface modification procedures, such as plasma treatment, coating technologies, and surface topography modifications, with the goal of highlighting the role that these approaches play in improving the barrier properties of multi-layer coextruded films.

The Treatment of Plasma

Plasma treatment is a versatile approach for surface modification that requires exposing the film to an ionized gas plasma at a low temperature; this process is known as plasma treatment. Through this procedure, the surface properties of the film are altered, which ultimately results in improved barrier performance. The application of plasma treatment has the potential to enhance the surface energy of the film, hence enhancing the wettability and adhesion of secondary coatings or barrier layers. In addition to this, it eliminates impurities, which improves the film’s cleanliness and guarantees improvement in its barrier properties.

Because it is a dry procedure, plasma treatment eliminates the requirement for the use of solvents or chemicals, which is a significant advantage. According to the effects that are required for the surface modification, it is possible to carry out the process with a variety of gases, including oxygen, nitrogen, or argon. In order to achieve the surface features and barrier enhancement that are required, it is possible to optimize the treatment parameters, which include plasma power, treatment time, and gas flow rate.


Methods of Coating Materials

In order to further improve the barrier qualities of multi-layer coextruded films, coating processes add an extra barrier layer to the surface of the films. The barrier performance that is needed can be accomplished through the utilization of a wide range of coating materials and processes.

Coatings made of silicon oxide (SiOx) and aluminum oxide (AlOx) are frequently utilized in order to improve the barrier properties of films. These coatings are applied using processes such as plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) or sputtering. Coatings made of SiOx and AlOx provide superior resistance to gas and moisture, which effectively reduces permeability and improves barrier performance.

In addition, barrier coatings can be mixed with other functional coatings in order to get the desired barrier qualities specifically. One example is the application of antimicrobial coatings, which can be used to prevent the growth of microorganisms and ensure the safety of food. On the other hand, oxygen scavenging coatings can remove oxygen from the package, thereby extending the shelf life of products that are sensitive to oxygen.

Surface Topography Alterations and Alterations

There is a substantial potential for the barrier properties of multi-layer coextruded films to be significantly altered by modifying the surface topography. It is possible to improve the barrier performance of a film by reducing the contact area between the film and the substances that are able to pass through it. This can be accomplished by modifying the surface structure.

Modifications to the surface topography can be accomplished by the use of techniques like as embossing, laser patterning, or nanostructuring. Microstructures or nanostructures are created on the surface of the film through the use of these technologies, which also modify the surface roughness or introduce particular geometrical features respectively. As a barrier, the changed surface structure prevents gases and moisture from passing through the film. This is accomplished by preventing their diffusion.




Both the desired increase of the barrier and the specific needs of the application should be taken into consideration when selecting the surface topography modification technique. In contrast to laser patterning, which provides fine control over the surface structure, embossing is appropriate for large-scale production and can produce patterns that are regular. The fabrication of highly customized surface structures with nanoscale characteristics is made possible through the use of nanostructuring techniques such as nanoparticle deposition and self-assembly.

Surface modification techniques play a key role in increasing the barrier performance of multi-layer coextruded films. The application of plasma treatment enables the alteration of surface energy, cleanliness, and adhesion qualities, all of which contribute to an improvement in barrier performance. SiOx and AlOx coatings are two examples of coating technologies that offer an extra barrier layer, which significantly reduces permeability. The surface structure of the film is altered by surface topography alterations such as embossing, laser patterning, or nanostructuring. These modifications impede the diffusion of gases and moisture as they occur on the surface.



It is possible for producers to achieve multi-layer coextruded films with increased barrier qualities by using various surface modification technologies. This helps to ensure that product quality is maintained and that packaged items have a longer shelf life. Continuous advancements in surface modification techniques contribute to the development of innovative and environmentally friendly packaging solutions for a variety of industries, including the food packaging industry.

In addition to its dedication to research and development, manufacture, and service of multi-layer co-extruded film additives, COACES possesses a research and development team that is directed by a number of senior engineers and doctors. COACES multi-layer extruded film additives are selected by the majority of users because they possess the qualities of high transparency, low crystal point, high grafting rate, and good fluidity. These properties distinguish them from other additives. This has the potential to significantly enhance the barrier qualities of multi-layer co-extruded films, as well as improve the efficiency with which they are applied!


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