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Härtungsmittel in raucharmen, halogenfreien, flammhemmenden Kabelmaterialien

Modell-Nr.: W1L


W1L ist ein universell einsetzbares LLDPE-g-MAH-Produkt mit hervorragenden umfassenden Eigenschaften. Diese Modifikation verbessert die Haftung des Materials an anderen Oberflächen und erhöht seine Kompatibilität mit anderen Materialien, wodurch es für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen nützlich ist.
Test Item Testdaten Prüfverfahren
Dichte 0,92g/cm³ ASTM D792
Melt Flow Rate


0.5-2.0g/10min ASTM D1238
Maleic anhydride Content Hoch COACE Method (1)
Luftfeuchtigkeit ≤0,3 % Halogen-Schnellbestimmung der Feuchtigkeit
Erscheinungsbild Granulat
Produkte Beschreibung


A state-of-the-art product called the Toughening Agent Used in Low-Smoke Halogen-Free Flame Retardant Cable Materials is intended to improve the performance and security of cables utilized in a range of applications. W1L is a general-purpose LLDPE-g-MAH product with excellent comprehensive properties. The terminal has the reactivity and strong polarity of MAH polar molecules. It can improve the interface affinity between polyolefin base material and inorganic substances such as mineral powder, inorganic flame retardant, wood powder, starch, etc. It can enhance the strength of composite materials, and is widely used in low-smoke halogen-free flame retardant cable materials.

As a general-purpose LLDPE-g-MAH product, W1L offers a balance of properties that make it suitable for use in various industries, including automotive, packaging, and construction. Its excellent comprehensive properties, such as high tensile strength, good impact resistance, and low water absorption, make it a reliable and durable material.

Overall, W1L is a versatile material that can provide excellent performance in many different applications due to its unique combination of properties.


Fortschrittliche Ausrüstung!

Ausgestattet mit fortschrittlichen Produktionslinien und einem experimentellen Testzentrum zur Gewährleistung der Produktqualität.

Starke technische Kraft!Mehr als 10 erfahrene technische F&E-Mitarbeiter sorgen für kontinuierliche Innovation.



Test Item Testdaten Prüfverfahren
Dichte 0,92g/cm³ ASTM D792
Melt Flow Rate


0.5-2.0g/10min ASTM D1238
Maleic anhydride Content Hoch COACE Method (1)
Luftfeuchtigkeit ≤0,3 % Halogen-Schnellbestimmung der Feuchtigkeit
Erscheinungsbild Granulat
  • Enhanced Flame Retardancy: The toughening compound considerably raises the cable materials’ flame retardant qualities, guaranteeing maximum fire safety in a variety of settings. It mitigates potential dangers by effectively suppressing the spread of flames and reducing smoke emission.
  • Low-Smoke and Halogen-Free: The toughening agent-incorporated cable materials are made with a low-smoke content in mind, to reduce smoke production during combustion. These materials also don’t include halogens, which prevents the discharge of harmful gasses and corrosive byproducts and guarantees environmental and human safety.
  • Excellent Mechanical Properties: The toughening agent gives the cable materials increased resistance to bending strains, impact, and abrasion by giving them a higher mechanical strength. As a consequence, cables have increased resilience, reducing the possibility of damage during setup, use, and upkeep.
  • Thermal Stability: The product has outstanding thermal stability, which keeps the structural integrity of the cable materials intact even at high temperatures. In challenging applications, like industrial settings or places with high ambient temperatures, this functionality is essential.
  • Compatibility: Polyethylene (PE), Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR) are among the polymer matrices that are frequently utilized in the production of cables, and the toughening agent is compatible with all of them. Its adaptability makes it possible to incorporate it seamlessly into current production processes and integrate it into a variety of cable systems.


Enhanced Safety: By increasing flame retardancy and lowering smoke emission, the toughening agent used in low-smoke halogen-free flame retardant cable materials dramatically lowers the risk of fire. This functionality is especially important for applications like data centers, public buildings, and transportation infrastructure where the safety of people is the top priority.

Environmental friendliness: By preventing the release of harmful gasses and corrosive byproducts during combustion, the halogen-free nature of the cable materials helps to maintain a healthier atmosphere. This environmentally beneficial quality complies with current sustainability guidelines and standards.

Extended Cable Lifespan: By adding a toughening agent, the cable materials’ mechanical strength is increased, which improves their resistance to external forces. As a result, the wires last longer, requiring fewer replacements and requiring less maintenance.


Unser Vorteil

Globale Lieferkette!

Solide Lagerung und Logistik Supply Chain System
Technische Unterstützung
Schutz nach dem Verkauf

Fokus - Leistung - Exzellenz!

Maßgeschneiderte Produkte
Fokus auf F&E
Globale Dienstleistungen


ISO9001:2015 Zertifizierung
ISO14001:2015 Zertifizierung
EU REACH-Registrierung

Korea K-REACH Vorregistrierung

Vorteil für Unternehmen!

Layout im In- und Ausland, wunderbar zum Mischen
Gestaltung der Inlandsvermarktung
Layout für die Vermarktung in Übersee



1. Kann als Kompatibilitätsmittel für raucharme, halogenfreie, flammhemmende Kabelmaterialien verwendet werden;

2. Es kann als Oberflächenverbesserer für extrudierte Platten verwendet werden, der die Oberflächenebenheit des Materials effektiv verbessern und die Unebenheiten und Grübchen auf der Oberfläche des Materials beseitigen kann;

3. Es kann als Kompatibilisierungsmittel für Polyethylen und Glasfasern verwendet werden, um die Kompatibilität von Polyethylen und Glasfasern zu fördern;

4. Es kann als Kompatibilisierungsmittel für Masterbatches mit PE als Träger verwendet werden, wie z. B. Farb-Masterbatches, flammhemmende Masterbatches, funktionale Masterbatches usw;

5. Es kann als Modifizierungsmittel zur Verlängerung der Anti-Beschlag-Periode von Anti-Beschlag-Mulch verwendet werden.

Lösung nach Branche

Numerous businesses use the toughening agent used in low-smoke halogen-free flame retardant cable materials, including:

Building and Construction: Where fire safety and low smoke emission are crucial, it is perfect for wiring and cabling systems in business buildings, apartment complexes, and public infrastructure projects.

Transportation: This device is a lifesaver in the industry, offering dependable cable solutions for automobiles, trains, airports, and ships. It reduces the possibility of incidents involving fires and guarantees passenger safety.

Energy Distribution: By improving the mechanical and flame-retardant qualities of cables used in power distribution networks, the toughening agent lowers the risk of electrical fires and guarantees a steady supply of power.

Telecommunications: It is ideal for data centers and other telecommunications infrastructure, where high-performance cables, low smoke emissions, and fire safety are necessary to keep dependable communication networks.






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