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Modell-Nr.: BP-3


Coace®BP-3 ist ein anhydridmodifiziertes Poly(butylensuccinat) mit hoher Pfropfungsrate.
Merkmale Wert Einheit Prüfverfahren
Erscheinungsbild Granulat
Farbe Weiß oder hellgelb
Dichte 1.25 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Gehalt an Maleinsäureanhydrid Hoch wt% COACE-Methode[1]
Produkte Beschreibung


A flexible and environmentally friendly biodegradable polymer with several uses in many sectors is polybutylene succinate (PBS). PBS has gained popularity as a manufacturer’s first choice for sustainable and high-performance materials thanks to its distinct qualities and advantages.

The great biodegradability of PBS is one of its important characteristics. PBS may be broken down by microbes into carbon dioxide and water within a very short amount of time, unlike conventional plastics, which can take hundreds of years to disintegrate. This makes it the perfect option for situations where preserving the environment is a top priority.

Polybutylene succinate (PBS) is fully biodegradable, has excellent production and processing characteristics, mechanical properties and excellent biocompatibility, and its functionality can be adjusted according to molecular design. It is a biodegradable polymer material with great development potential.

Coace®BP-3 ist ein anhydridmodifiziertes Poly(butylensuccinat) mit hoher Pfropfungsrate.

Coace®BP-3 ist ein anhydridmodifiziertes Poly(butylensuccinat) mit hoher Pfropfungsrate.

Grafting of anhydride modified PBS can be achieved through a variety of methods, including melt blending, solution mixing, and reactive extrusion. The choice of method will depend on the specific application and desired properties of the final product.

High grafting rates can be desirable in a number of applications, such as in the development of high-performance composites, where the polymer is used to enhance the mechanical properties of a matrix material. Anhydride modified PBS with high grafting rates can also be used in biomedical applications, as the polymer is biodegradable and biocompatible, and can be used to improve the properties of other biomaterials.

Overall, anhydride modified PBS with high grafting rates has the potential to offer significant improvements in strength, durability, and other performance characteristics, making it an attractive option for a wide range of applications.

Changed by anhydride An anhydride group has been chemically added to a form of polymer called poly(butylene succinate) (PBS), making it easier to graft it onto other materials. A higher percentage of the polymer chains have effectively connected to the target material when the grafting rate of PBS is high, resulting in a stronger connection and maybe greater performance.


Mehr als 10 erfahrene technische F&E-Mitarbeiter sorgen für kontinuierliche Innovation.




Merkmale Wert Einheit Prüfverfahren
Erscheinungsbild Granulat
Farbe Weiß oder hellgelb
Dichte 1.25 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Gehalt an Maleinsäureanhydrid Hoch wt% COACE-Methode[1]

Anmerkungen [1] LOW<0,4wt%; Middle(0,4wt%-0,8wt%); High≥0,8wt%.

  • In addition to being biodegradable, PBS has superior mechanical qualities. Its high tensile strength qualifies it for use in applications that call for sturdiness and impact resistance. PBS is a useful material for numerous production processes since it is extremely flexible and simple to mold into diverse forms.
  • The heat stability of PBS is another benefit. It can tolerate high temperatures without compromising its structural integrity because to its high melting point. This qualifies PBS for uses that call for heat resistance, such as materials for packing hot food and beverages.
  • PBS also has strong barrier qualities and is chemically resistant. It is a fantastic option for packaging applications since it can effectively stop the passage of gases and liquids. Perishable items can be shielded from external pollutants and given PBS films and coatings to increase their shelf life.



Fortschrittliche Ausrüstung!

Ausgestattet mit fortschrittlichen Produktionslinien und einem experimentellen Testzentrum zur Gewährleistung der Produktqualität.

Starke technische Kraft!

Mehr als 10 erfahrene technische F&E-Mitarbeiter sorgen für kontinuierliche Innovation.


Unser Vorteil

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ISO9001:2015 Zertifizierung
ISO14001:2015 Zertifizierung
EU REACH-Registrierung

Korea K-REACH Vorregistrierung

Vorteil für Unternehmen!

Layout im In- und Ausland, wunderbar zum Mischen
Gestaltung der Inlandsvermarktung
Layout für die Vermarktung in Übersee



1.To be used as coupling agent between biodegradable materials like PLA, PBS and theinfill materials which contain starch, wood powder and others.

2.To be used as compatibilizers in PLA/PBS alloy for injection molding process or blowning process.



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