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Korrosionsschutzmittel für Rohre W1L-1

Modell-Nr.: W1L-1


LLDPE-Pfropfmaleinsäureanhydrid (MAH) W1L -1. Es wird häufig in der Korrosionsschutzschicht von Öl- und Gaspipelines verwendet und seine Hauptfunktion ist die Verbesserung der Haftfestigkeit zwischen der PE-Schicht und der Epoxidharzschicht.
Merkmale Wert Einheit Prüfverfahren
Erscheinungsbild Granulat
Farbe Weiß oder hellgelb
Dichte 0.92 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Schmelzflussrate(190℃2.16kg) 1.0-3.5 g/10min ASTM D1238
Gehalt an Maleinsäureanhydrid Hoch wt% COACE-Methode

[1]Notes[1]LOW<0.4wt%; Middle(0.4wt%-0.8wt%); High≥0.8wt%.

Produkte Beschreibung


A revolutionary product that improves corrosion resistance, material compatibility, and overall pipe performance is the Anti-Corrosion Pipe Compatibilizer. It is an essential part of many industries, including oil and gas, chemical processing, water and wastewater treatment, and power production, because of its great qualities, which include outstanding chemical resistance and high-temperature stability.

W1L-1 is a polymer material based on low density polyethylene grafted with maleic anhydride. It is made by grafting maleic anhydride molecules on the molecular chain of low density polyethylene by chemical reaction, so that the end of polyethylene has the reactive and strong polarity of maleic anhydride polar molecules. It is often used in the anticorrosive layer of oil and gas anticorrosive pipeline, and its main function is to improve the adhesive strength between PE layer and epoxy resin layer.


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The role of PE compatibilizer in anti-corrosion pipeline

As shown in the figure: In the anticorrosion of oil and gas pipelines, the steel pipe is sprayed with epoxy powder after derusting and preheated, and the outer layer is extruded PE coating. After spraying, a layer of PE compatibilizer should be applied first to enhance the adhesive strength between PE and epoxy resin, so PE compatibilizer is the role of adhesive here.

  • Superior Corrosion Resistance: Specialized additives are employed in the formulation of the anti-corrosion pipe compatibilizer to make the pipes more resistant to corrosion brought on by moisture, chemicals, and severe environments. It creates a layer of defense on the pipe’s outside, thereby stopping corrosion and increasing the pipes’ lifespan.
  • Improved Material Compatibility: The product makes several polymer matrices, including polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), and polyvinyl chloride (PVC), more compatible with one another. It facilitates the effective mixing, dispersion, and adhesion of different materials, improving the mechanical characteristics and overall performance of the pipe.
  • great Chemical Resistance: When it comes to a variety of chemicals, such as acids, alkalis, solvents, and corrosive gases, the anti-corrosion pipe compatibilizer shows great resistance. This characteristic guarantees the pipes’ long-term robustness and dependability in sectors where exposure to corrosive materials is common.
  • High Temperature resilience: In challenging applications, pipes can retain their structural integrity and performance due to the product’s exceptional resilience to elevated temperatures. In sectors including petrochemicals, electricity generation, and oil & gas, this thermal stability guarantees dependable operation.


Increased Pipe Lifespan: By preventing corrosion, the anti-corrosion pipe compatibilizer considerably increases the life of pipes. For industries that depend on corrosion-resistant pipe systems, this benefit means lower maintenance costs, less downtime, and increased operating efficiency.

Enhanced Chemical Resistance: In situations when pipes are exposed to harsh chemicals, the product’s exceptional chemical resistance guarantees long-term durability and dependability. Because of this benefit, it is the best option for sectors including mining, wastewater treatment, and chemical processing.

Compatibility Enhancement: The anti-corrosion pipe compatibilizer allows manufacturers to investigate a broader choice of materials for pipe production by enhancing the compatibility between various polymer matrices. Due to its adaptability, pipe solutions can be developed specifically for given applications, opening up new markets and meeting a range of client needs.


Unser Vorteil

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ISO9001:2015 Zertifizierung
ISO14001:2015 Zertifizierung
EU REACH-Registrierung

Korea K-REACH Vorregistrierung

Vorteil für Unternehmen!

Layout im In- und Ausland, wunderbar zum Mischen
Gestaltung der Inlandsvermarktung
Layout für die Vermarktung in Übersee




1. It can be used as an adhesive for anti-corrosion pipelines;

2. Can be used as cable material compatibilizer;

3. Es kann als Kompatibilisierungsmittel für Polyethylen und Glasfasern verwendet werden, um die Kompatibilität von Polyethylen und Glasfasern zu fördern;

4. Can be used as a compatibilizer for masterbatches with PE as the carrier, such as color masterbatches, flame retardant masterbatches, functional masterbatches, etc.



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