Wie viel wissen Sie über Photovoltaik-Verpackungsfolien und -Zusatzstoffe?

The production and use of renewable energy has drawn increased attention in light of global climate change and the ongoing depletion of fossil fuels. Solar energy has grown quickly among other renewable energy sources because of its many benefits, including cleanliness, safety, an endless supply, and inexhaustibility. The photovoltaic module is the main component of the solar power producing system. I think a lot of my acquaintances have put photovoltaic power plants in their residences. This gadget, which was formerly restricted to spaceships or satellites, has gradually made its way into common people’s homes, revealing its enigmatic cover.


Solar energy is transformed into electrical energy using photovoltaic modules. High-transmission tempered glass, high-transmission adhesive film, and silicon crystal panels make up its three components. The cost of solar modules as a whole is largely not accounted for by the photovoltaic packing film. However, it has an impact on other important elements such as battery packaging quality, power generating effectiveness, service life, and others.



The different types, benefits, and drawbacks of photovoltaic encapsulation films

EVA film and POE film are the two primary divisions of photovoltaic packaging films. Each film genre has benefits and drawbacks of its own.

EVA is the primary constituent of EVA film, with additional additives like thickeners and cross-linking agents serving as supplements. It has long been the material of choice for packaging solar modules because of its superior packaging performance and affordable pricing. However, because of its obvious PID flaw (potential potential induced decay), it has a limited lifespan.

A photovoltaic module encapsulation film with high efficiency and reliability, POE film has outstanding moisture and vapor barrier, ion barrier, and anti-aging qualities. The common material for double-glass modules is this one. However, its processability is a little less strong.

Many manufacturers have started using the EVA+POE combined packaging approach for assembly in the competition between these two types of adhesive films. More and more users are choosing this new approach.


The function of additives for photovoltaic packaging films

No matter the approach, it should be noted that adding the proper photovoltaic packaging film additives (especially to photovoltaic film-level hot melt adhesives) can increase the success rate of photovoltaic packaging film packing.

The yield of photovoltaic panels is significantly impacted by the adhesion between photovoltaic packaging films and solar silicon crystal panels. The addition of photovoltaic packaging film chemicals is crucial for achieving this adherence. The adhesion between the film and the solar silicon crystal panel will be significantly improved if additives are added, increasing the yield.


COACES has an R&D team lead by numerous senior engineers and physicians that is dedicated to the R&D, production, and servicing of photovoltaic packaging film additives. The majority of consumers prefer Coaces photovoltaic packaging film additives because of their high transparency, low crystal point, high grafting rate, good fluidity, and high resistivity.


You are invited to participate in a discussion about photovoltaic packaging film additives during Coaces’ special live webcast.

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