Wie schneidet EVOH-Folie im Vergleich zu anderen Materialien ab, die üblicherweise für Lebensmittelverpackungen verwendet werden?

When it comes to the packaging of food, it is normal practice to use a variety of materials in order to fulfil particular needs. One of the products that competes with other materials on the market is ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) film, which is well-known for having outstanding barrier qualities. This article presents a comprehensive examination of how EVOH film compares to other materials that are typically used in food packaging. The research takes into consideration a variety of criteria, including barrier performance, sustainability, cost-effectiveness, adaptability, and compatibility for a variety of food products.


Leistung der Barriere

There are many different materials that are utilised in food packaging; however, EVOH film stands out due to its remarkable oxygen barrier qualities, which surpass those of many other materials. The oxygen permeability of EVOH film is much lower when compared to that of other materials such as low-density polyethylene (LDPE), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and polypropylene (PP). This improved barrier performance serves to prevent oxidation, which in turn helps to increase the shelf life of oxygen-sensitive food goods and preserve their quality.


Although EVOH film is superior in terms of its oxygen barrier capabilities, it possesses moisture barrier characteristics that are rather modest in comparison to those of materials such as metallized films, aluminium foil, and certain polyamides respectively. Because these moisture barrier materials offer superior protection against the passage of water vapour, they are more suitable for use in items that have a high sensitivity to moisture.

Compatibility with Food

The exceptional compatibility of EVOH film with a wide variety of food products is a well-known and widely acknowledged characteristic of this material. When it comes into direct contact with consumables, it is deemed to be of food-grade quality and does not provide any health risks. Additionally, EVOH film does not transfer any off-flavors or odours to the food that is packaged, which ensures that the product’s distinct flavour and scent are maintained throughout the packaging process.




Film made of ethylene oxide (EVOH) exhibits diversity in terms of the packaging types and applications it can be used for. Several different types of packaging structures, such as laminates, coextrusions, and monolayers, are all possible applications for it. The adaptability of this product makes it possible to customise it to meet the requirements of particular food packaging. Materials such as aluminium foil and glass, on the other hand, have a limited degree of flexibility, which makes them less adaptable to various package formats.

Transparency and Aesthetics

In terms of both transparency and aesthetics, EVOH film is able to maintain an exceptional optical clarity, which enables it to provide transparent packaging that enables customers to examine the contents. Because of this transparency, the aesthetic appeal of food products is improved, and it is possible to make more accurate visual assessments of their quality and freshness. Materials such as aluminium foil and metallized films, on the other hand, do not provide transparency, which restricts their applicability to goods in which maintaining a visually appealing appearance is very important.

Concerns Regarding Sustainability

The packaging business is becoming increasingly concerned about the issue of sustainability. When compared to other materials, EVOH film has a number of advantages that are beneficial to the environment. It makes it possible to downgauge, which reduces the overall amount of material used without compromising the performance of the protection barrier. The fact that EVOH film may be recycled is another way in which it contributes to the circular economy. Materials such as aluminium foil, on the other hand, have the potential to have greater recycling rates and may be more easily recycled within the waste management systems that are currently in place.



The cost of the materials used for packaging is a crucial factor that food manufacturers take into consideration when determining cost-effectiveness. The cost of EVOH film is typically higher than the cost of comparable traditional materials such as LDPE and PP. Nevertheless, the improved barrier performance of this product can compensate for the higher cost by lowering the amount of product loss and increasing the shelf life. The cost-effectiveness of EVOH film is contingent upon a number of elements, including the particular application, the barrier properties that are required, and the market that is being targeted.

Die Schlussfolgerung ist, dass EVOH film has a number of significant advantages over other materials that are typically used in food packaging. These advantages include oxygen barrier qualities, compatibility with food, adaptability, transparency, and certain aspects of sustainability. Despite the fact that it may have moderate moisture barrier capabilities and a somewhat greater cost in comparison to other materials, it is a favoured choice for protecting the quality, freshness, and safety of a variety of food goods due to its superior barrier performance and other favourable attributes. It is possible to establish the material that is most appropriate for each food packaging application by giving careful thought to the unique packaging needs and doing a cost-benefit analysis respectively.

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