Wie können Verträglichkeitsvermittler die Haftung zwischen Polymerphasen in Mischungen verbessern? 


The immiscibility and incompatibility of the polymers frequently serves as a restriction on the adhesion between polymer phases in blends. For improving material characteristics and performance, blends of polymer phases must achieve strong adhesion. By encouraging interfacial bonding and lowering interfacial tension, compatibilizers play a crucial part in enhancing adhesion.By enhancing interfacial adhesion, compatibilizers provide a special method of overcoming these difficulties.

2.Reduced Interfacial Tension

Reduced interfacial tension is one of the main ways compatibilizers increase adhesion. Compatibilizers have functional groups that can interact with both polymer phases more favorably, hence reducing the interfacial tension. As a result of this decrease in interfacial tension, there is better wetting and enhanced adhesion between the polymer phases.

3. Chemical Bonding

Compatibilizers can make it easier for molecules to link together at the boundary between polymer phases. They frequently include functional groups with reactive properties that can interact with the polymer chains in both phases to produce covalent bonds that span the interface. These covalent bonds create a solid interfacial link that improves adhesion and the blend’s mechanical qualities.


4.Control of Morphology

Compatibilizers can also increase adherence by controlling morphology. The inclusion of a compatibilizer in immiscible polymer blends might affect the phase morphology, causing the creation of smaller and more distributed domains. The interfacial area between the polymer phases is increased by this controlled shape, fostering interfacial adhesion and enhancing mechanical characteristics.

5. Promotion of Interfacial Adhesion

By serving as a link between the phases, Kompatibilitätsmittel can directly encourage interfacial adhesion between polymer phases. They can physically entangle and increase interfacial adhesion by physically interlocking with the polymer chains of both phases. Compatibilizers can also improve van der Waals forces or hydrogen bonds between molecules at the interface, which will strengthen adhesion even further.

6. Selection of Compatibilizers

The chemical compatibility and reactivity of the polymer phases, the concentration of the compatibilizer, and the processing circumstances all affect how well a compatibilizer works to increase adhesion. The needed increase in adhesion strength must be achieved through careful compatibilizer selection.

7. Types of Compatibilizer

Reactive, non-reactive, and reactive extrusion compatibilizers are only a few of the different types of compatibilizers that are offered. Chemical reactions between reactive compatibilizers and the polymer chains can result in covalent bonds. Compatibilizers that are non-reactive increase adhesion through mechanical interactions such steric hindrance or adsorption. During melt processing, reactive extrusion compatibilizers are applied to encourage in-situ reactive compatibilization.


8.Blend System Factors

The particular polymer mix system can affect how well compatibilizers improve adherence. The nature of the polymer phases, their miscibility, and the shape of the mixture can all have an impact on how well compatibilizers work. Selecting the right compatibilizer and maximizing adhesion require an understanding of the blend system’s properties.

9. Performance Evaluation of Compatibilizer

Mechanical testing, interfacial analysis, microscopy, and heat analysis are just a few of the methods that can be used to assess how well compatibilizers operate in terms of enhancing adhesion. These techniques help evaluate the effectiveness of the compatibilizer by revealing information about the blend’s adhesion strength, morphology, and interfacial properties.


In order to improve the adhesion between the polymer phases in blends, compatibilizers are useful tools. Compatibilizers facilitate adhesion by morphological control, chemical bonding, interfacial adhesion promotion, and interfacial tension reduction. The best adhesion enhancement requires careful compatibilizer selection and a grasp of blend system concerns. Our understanding will grow as a result of continued research and development in this area, which will also make it possible to construct high-performance polymer mix systems with improved adhesion characteristics.

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