Gefahren der Alterung von EVA-Photovoltaikfolien und Anti-Aging-Strategien

The topic of ageing in photovoltaic (PV) Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) films is investigated in depth in this professional article. The essay focuses on the factors that contribute to the ageing process, as well as the repercussions of ageing, and it also investigates efficient anti-aging techniques. A multidimensional examination of the ageing process of PV EVA film is going to be provided in this talk. Particular attention will be paid to the properties of aminated additives and the function that they play in improving ageing resistance and acid resistance.

Causes of PV EVA Film Aging

A number of elements, including the following, are responsible for the ageing process that occurs in PV EVA films.

a. Thermal Stress: Prolonged exposure to high temperatures causes the matrix of the EVA polymer to degrade, which in turn leads to a decrease in the material’s physical and mechanical properties.

Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation: The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation promotes photo-oxidation of the EVA film, which in turn leads to the generation of free radicals and the destruction of the polymer structure.

c. Moisture and Humidity: The EVA film’s ability to absorb water can cause hydrolysis, which in turn leads to a decrease in the film’s mechanical strength and adhesive qualities.

d. Chemical and Environmental Factors: The ageing process of PV EVA films can be accelerated by elements such as exposure to acids, alkalis, and other chemicals, as well as pollutants that are present in the environment around them.


Negative Consequences of PV EVA Film Ageing

The following are some of the potential negative outcomes that can result from PV EVA film ageing:
As a result of ageing, the amount of light that is able to pass through the EVA film decreases. This results in a drop in the amount of solar energy that is able to reach the photovoltaic cells, which in turn leads to a decrease in the power output of the PV module.

b. Loss of Mechanical Strength: The process of ageing results in a decrease in the mechanical strength and flexibility of the EVA film. This, in turn, raises the possibility of the film delaminating, cracking, and failing when subjected to mechanical stress or environmental conditions.

The deterioration of the EVA polymer matrix can reduce the adhesion between layers, which can lead to delamination between the EVA film and the encapsulating materials. This can compromise the long-term durability and performance of the PV module. c. An increased risk of delamination also exists.

d. Decreased Service Life: The ageing of PV EVA film has a direct impact on the durability and service life of the PV module. This results in premature replacements and has an effect on the economic sustainability of solar energy systems.


Strategies for fighting the signs of ageing: Aminated Antioxidant Additive (RM211A):

The utilisation of RM211A, an aminated antioxidant addition, has emerged as an effective anti-aging method for the purpose of combating the risks associated with the ageing of PV EVA film components. With regard to the enhancement of ageing resistance and acid resistance in EVA films, the following are the primary characteristics of RM211A’s role:

a. The Amination Process: In order to improve its compatibility with EVA polymers, RM211A undergoes significant chemical modification through the process of amination. Through this change, better dispersion and increased interaction between the additive and the EVA matrix are made possible, which ultimately results in an improvement in the anti-aging abilities of the product.

b. Acid Resistance: The aminated RM211A ingredient adds acid resistance capabilities to the EVA film, protecting it from the corrosive effects of acids that may be present in the surrounding environment, such as acid rain or industrial pollutants.

c. Resistance to Ageing: RM211A functions as an antioxidant, with the ability to effectively scavenge free radicals that are produced during the ageing process. This prevents oxidative degradation and ensures that the EVA film maintains its physical and mechanical qualities.

d. Conditions of High Temperature and Humidity: The RM211A demonstrates remarkable performance in conditions of high temperature and high humidity, which makes it suited for photovoltaic applications in places that have tough environmental conditions.



PV EVA films that have been exposed to the elements for an extended period of time pose substantial risks to the performance and durability of photovoltaic modules. It is possible to design successful anti-aging techniques by first gaining an understanding of the factors that drive the ageing process and the effects it has. The utilisation of aminated antioxidant additives, such as RM211A, offers exceptional potential in the enhancement of the qualities of PV EVA films that are resistant to acid and to the effects of ageing. These additives contribute to increased power production, prolonged service life, and improved dependability of PV modules, which in turn promotes the wider use of solar energy technology. They achieve this by minimising the negative effects of ageing, which can be detrimental to the modules.

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