Produkte, Produktreihen und Produktfamilien von Coace
Ein High-Tech-Unternehmen, das Forschung und Entwicklung, Produktion und Vertrieb von Polymermaterialien integriert und sich auf Forschung und Entwicklung, Produktion, Vertrieb und Service von Kunststoff-Verträglichkeitsvermittlern und Zähigkeitsvermittlern spezialisiert hat.
In conclusion, a thorough strategy is needed to solve the foaming issue in POM twin-screw granulation. You can successfully resolve the foaming issue and produce high-quality POM granules by comprehending the mechanism of foaming, optimizing screw design, controlling temperature, incorporating a venting system, choosing appropriate additives, optimizing process parameters, and making sure that equipment is regularly maintained.
Combining PP and HDPE has a number of benefits and can lead to new opportunities in a variety of applications.
In recent years, there have been considerable improvements and innovations in the field of low temperature resistant nylon tougheners. The low-temperature performance of nylon materials has been enhanced through better toughening agents, nanotechnology, reactive systems, hybrid approaches, and characterisation methods.
Nylon 6, Nylon 6/6, Nylon 11, and Nylon 12 are just a few of the nylon kinds that can be utilized with toughening chemicals. These substances increase nylon’s toughness and resistance to impact, broadening the range of industries in which it may be used
Härtungsmittel sind Zusatzstoffe, die die mechanischen Eigenschaften von Nylon verbessern und es haltbarer und stoßfester machen. Durch die Einarbeitung dieser Mittel in die Nylonmatrix können Hersteller Hochleistungsmaterialien herstellen, die für verschiedene Anwendungen geeignet sind.
Introduction This essay will examine the differences between conventional toughening chemicals and low temperature resistant nylon toughener. A relatively recent development in the world of …
In order to enhance nylon’s mechanical qualities, particularly its toughness and impact strength, toughening chemicals are added.
One of the strongest and most popular thermoplastics in use today is nylon. It is widely utilized in a variety of products, including industrial machinery, …
Um die Leistung und die mechanischen Eigenschaften von Nylon zu verbessern, können zähmachende Chemikalien in das Material injiziert werden.