Gibt es irgendwelche Vorschriften oder Normen, die bei der Verwendung von Klebstoffen für Lebensmittelverpackungsfolien beachtet werden müssen?

When it comes to protecting the integrity and safety of food packaging sheets, adhesives are an extremely important component. When it comes to the use of adhesives for food packaging, however, producers are required to adhere to strict rules and standards in order to guarantee that their goods are suitable and in conformity with the regulatory requirements. In this post, we will discuss the many rules and standards that must be adhered to while using adhesives for food packaging film. These legislation and standards vary from country to country. It is possible for manufacturers to guarantee the quality and safety of their packaging solutions by gaining an awareness of these rules and sticking to them. This allows them to fulfil the strict criteria that are specified by the food industry.


Regulations Regarding Food Contact

One of the most important considerations to make when utilising adhesives for food packaging film is whether or not they comply with rules regarding food contact. To protect the health of consumers, these laws control the items that come into contact with food and are designed to prevent contamination. In accordance with the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for regulating chemicals that come into contact with food in the United States. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Commission are the entities responsible for establishing the framework for items that come into contact with food in the European Union.

It is necessary for adhesives that are used in food packaging to conform to the particular migration restrictions that are outlined in these rules. The term “migration” refers to the process by which compounds transition from the adhesive into the food that is packed. The laws establish maximum limits for the movement of particular compounds, such as solvents, heavy metals, and other chemicals that have the potential to cause harm. For the purpose of preventing contamination of the packaged food, manufacturers are obligated to see to it that their adhesives are in accordance with specified migration limitations.


GMP stands for “Good Manufacturing Practices.”

The Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are a set of guidelines that manufacturers are expected to adhere to in order to guarantee the quality and safety of food packaging. The Good manufacture Practice (GMP) document provides a description of the methods, processes, and controls that have to be applied throughout the manufacture of food packaging materials, especially adhesives. These practices include elements like as the design of the facility, the hygiene of the people, the maintenance of the equipment, and the documenting of the procedures.

Manufacturers are required to apply stringent quality control procedures in accordance with GMP in order to guarantee that their adhesives are manufactured in an environment that is both clean and under control. It is necessary to ensure that the adhesives are stored in the appropriate conditions, that the equipment is calibrated on a regular basis, and that comprehensive batch testing is carried out in order to validate their quality and safety.

The Standards for Packaging Materials

In addition to the restrictions imposed by regulatory agencies, there are a number of industry standards that offer direction for the selection and use of adhesives employed in food packaging films. It is the responsibility of these standards to guarantee that the materials used for packaging, including adhesives, satisfy particular quality requirements and performance objectives.

For example, the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) has established standards such as ISO 22000, which focuses on food safety management systems, and ISO 9001, which related to quality management systems. Both of these standards are examples of standards that have been developed. These standards provide assistance to producers in the establishment of efficient procedures for the management of food safety and quality across their respective activities, including the use of adhesives in food packaging.


Standardisation of the Specific Application

There may be extra restrictions or requirements that apply to particular kinds of food packaging, such as those that are used for particular items or in particular locations respectively. In the case of infant food items, for instance, the packaging may be required to conform with certain laws concerning the use of adhesives and materials that come into touch with the food.

For manufacturers, it is of the utmost importance to be aware of these particular application standards and regulations, and to make certain that their adhesives are in accordance with the requirements for the use that they plan to serve. Depending on the circumstances, this may need further testing or the acquisition of certificates from recognised authorities in order to verify conformity.


When it comes to the use of adhesives for food packaging film, producers are required to comply with a variety of rules and standards in order to guarantee the safety and appropriateness of their goods. For the purpose of preventing the introduction of potentially hazardous contaminants into packaged food, it is essential to comply with standards governing food contact, such as migration restrictions. The requirements that are provided by Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are designed to ensure that the manufacturing environment is kept clean and under control. There is a correlation between the implementation of industry standards like ISO 22000 and ISO 9001 and the management of food quality and safety. There is also the possibility that particular application standards are applicable to particular kinds of food packaging. By adhering to these rules and standards, manufacturers are able to ensure that their adhesives are in compliance with the essential criteria. This ensures that food packaging films are safe and intact, which ultimately protects the health of consumers.



The W1L of COACES is a material that is based on polyethylene and has been grafted with MAH. Additionally, polar side groups are added into the chain that is non-polar. When applied to polar materials, it acts as an adhesive between the two types of materials. Within composite films made of polypropylene, polyolefin, and nylon, W1L has the potential to serve as a connecting component. The adhesion between the base resin and the functional layer resin is significantly improved as a result of the amino reaction that the MAH and nylon undergo simultaneously. It has been successively rated as National High-tech Enterprise, Xiamen High-tech Enterprise, and Xiamen Science and Technology Little Giant, and it has obtained a number of patents and a number of certifications for its intellectual property management system. W1L is in compliance with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and COACE has passed the ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System Certification and the ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System Certification. In addition, via the registration with the EU REACH and the pre-registration with the Korea K-REACH.

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