Vorteile von modifizierten PP-Granulatprodukten

Polypropylene, the pp modified material, is characterized by its light weight, low density, heat resistance, fracture resistance, and general physical and mechanical capabilities under high stress situations. These characteristics make polypropylene especially noteworthy. In addition to having the strength and performance of some steel materials, pp modified materials also have rich colors, are lightweight, are simple to mold, and are used extensively in a variety of industries. Examples of these industries include food packaging, electrical equipment, auto parts, and various PP films. a variety of benefits.

pp modified materials’ benefits:

Regular plastics frequently contain certain unique traits and flaws, however pp modified polymers have altered the nature of regular plastics. What are the particular benefits? I’ll introduce myself and try to be of assistance.

1. PP modified materials are better able to withstand cold temperatures by increasing their toughness and strength. Plastics are often extremely weak at low temperatures, which restricts their use in low-temperature situations. To prevent the plastic from changing at low temperatures, certain tougheners resistant to low temperatures must be included. In general, brittle components like plastic automobile bumpers need to be resistant to cold.



2. Filling of PP Modified Materials: Adding minerals and other fillers to plastics to modify the qualities of the plastics’ hardness, strength, and shrinkage.

3. The pp modified material is more flame resistant: by incorporating a flame retardant into regular plastic resin, the plastic can acquire flame resistance capabilities. Ao+ Brocade, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, and other inorganic flame retardant systems are a few examples of flame retardants that can be used alone or as a composite system.

4. Reinforcement of PP modified materials: Increasing the mechanical strength of plastics by combining glass fiber, etc. with plastics.

5. Toughening of PP modified materials: Toughening agents are added to regular plastics and blended to increase plastics’ toughness. Toughened and modified goods include: rail seals

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